September 26, 2020 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm (Argentina time) 7 to 8 pm UTC
vía Zoom

Free for ARTESOL and TESOL Affiliate members!

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Creative writing technically involves any writing of original composition in contrast to non-fiction prose. Creative writing is a more contemporary and process-oriented name for what has been traditionally called literature, including the variety of its genres. Nowadays, writing is being fuelled by technology, and educators agree that technology has a positive impact on their students’ writing. The possibility of sharing work with a wider audience beyond the classroom is particularly engaging.

The objectives of this webinar are to:

  • introduce the advantages of using technology for creative writing
  • present resources and strategies to use technology in creative writing
  • show how to personalize, plan and design a lesson based on CW (for teens and young learners) 
  • discuss how technology and creative writing can positively impact academic writing

Andrés Villalba is a teacher of English from Misiones, who has worked at all levels of education. He has presented webinars and given talks at conferences about Education, Culture and Technology at Ohio University and for Brazilian Teachers’ Associations. He has also participated in bilingual projects in Brazil and on the N. Y. Board of Education.

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