09. August 2015 · 2 comments · Categories: NEWS


Classroom Assessment for English Language Teachers


Assessment literacy is a necessary skill for all instructors, but many still struggle with this in their own teaching. The Center for English as a Second Language (CESL) at the University of Arizona is pleased to offer a fully online course, Classroom Assessment for English Language Teachers, which will provide your faculty with the assessment literacy they need to effectively assess students in your school.

This 8-week course will focus on the development of teachers’ assessment literacy, which includes knowledge of key assessment principles as well as test-creation skills for the language classroom. Teachers will learn how to assess both receptive skills (reading, listening) and productive skills (speaking, writing) more effectively, while improving their assessment competence in dealing with the issues and challenges related to effective classroom assessment.

This is an ideal course for: 1) individual teachers wishing to become more assessment literate and better able to assess their courses and students; and 2) for ESL/EFL programs interested in funding professional development to improve the assessment literacy of their teaching staff.

Course Contents Classroom Assessment and Assessment Literacy, Fundamental Principles of Language Assessment, Assessing Writing, Assessing Speaking, Assessing Reading, Assessing Listening, Assessing Grammar & Vocabulary, Grading and Student Evaluation
Cost $640 (includes tuition, application and technology fees)
Course Materials All materials will be available online.
Course Dates October 15 to December 9, 2015  (Application deadline October 1, 2015)
Eligibility This course is open to practicing English language teachers in an ESL or EFL setting. (See website for further eligibility information.)


This course is taught by Dr. Eddy WhiteAssessment Coordinator at CESL. He is a specialist in classroom-based assessment and has been presenting, publishing, and conducting teacher training in this area since 2006.

Apply on line at http://www.cesl.arizona.edu/teacher-training

or Contact:
Angel Steadman, Teacher Training Coordinator
amiller2@email.arizona.edu or teachesl@email.arizona.edu (520) 626-8449



  1. Hi. I would like to know if the course includes some kind of evaluation at the end or not. And if we will be given any certificate at the end of it. And the last question is about the payment. What are the payment option we have? Thank you very much.

  2. Dear Rita,

    You will be given a certificate. I would suggest you contact the University of Arizona. Here’s the contact information:

    Apply on line at http://www.cesl.arizona.edu/teacher-training
    or Contact:
    Angel Steadman, Teacher Training Coordinator
    amiller2@email.arizona.edu or teachesl@email.arizona.edu


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