- ORTIZ, Patricia; INSIRILLO, Patricia
The impact of reading instruction on students’ VLS profile
(Research paper)
The purpose of the study is to explore how reading comprehension instruction without overt vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) treatment impacts on the students’ strategic profile detected at the beginning of their instruction period in the School of Philosophy and Arts at state university in Argentina. The results and discussion here presented are a continuation of a previous work where students’ VLS profile previous to instruction was mapped out as a starting point to inquire about how reading instruction may or may not modify such profile.
- PISTORIO, María Inés
Explicit and implicit listening strategy instruction in EFL
(Research paper)
This study presents a model of listening strategy based instruction applied to secondary school students in Córdoba with an elementary level of English. A Background Questionnaire and a Strategy Questionnaire were used in order to collect information at the beginning and at the end of the study. The listening strategy training involved explicit and implicit instruction in cognitive, compensation, metacognitive and social affective strategies used in listening comprehension. It is concluded that explicit instruction improved students’ listening competence more than implicit instruction. This work also reveals that motivation positively influences the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language.
- VILLALBA, Alfredo Andrés
Flipped Learning activities with smartphones, tablets and laptops
In this workshop, the presenter will discuss how flipped learning techniques can be used in the teaching of English. Technology is used in flipped learning classrooms to teach languages as well as other subjects. During the workshop, teachers will learn how to plan, organise, design and create flipped activities to use in class when teaching literature and getting students to practice writing, reading, listening and speaking.
Customized tests for 21st C (customized) students
Assessment is an important process to evaluate and measure students’ learning progress and acquisition of skills (Hughes, 2017; Ur, 2012). Measurement procedures should consist of varied tools and instruments. Although many times assessment tools come in the form of pre-prepared tests, teachers may feel they fail to mirror classroom work because of their ‘generic nature’ (Tennant, 2018) leaving no other alternative but to resort to a customized instrument. This presentation will disclose issues around designing “customized” tests so that they reflect students’ abilities and capacities.