03. May 2023 · Comments Off on Rita Aldorino · Categories: Uncategorized

ESOL instruction and social-emotional learning: bringing true stories to life

Social-emotional learning can help engage EL students in the class setting by nurturing clear communication, relationship-building, effective goal-setting. Students become more engaged, motivated, and integrated in the class, and this creates a safe environment for learning, promoting academic success as well. This demonstration intends to share the experience of SEL integrated in an ESOL context, where basic principles were put into action, encouraging students’ self-awareness and promoting social skills. The results obtained generated a welcoming and empathetic classroom environment, where students were able to use this opportunity for intellectual and emotional growth, and to make real stories come to life.

Rita Aldorino, Education MA, EFL instructor at high school and college, ESL and Spanish instructor in USA. Twice Fulbright recipient, US Embassy Alumna, she has lectured on ELT in Argentina, Chile, Peru, USA, and was member of ArTESOL Board of Directors in 2019-2021. Her main interests are foreign languages and cultures

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