American English at State Facebook Page Description: The American English at State Facebook Page is an interactive platform aimed toward engaging English language learners with content and opportunities for language practice that support the English language acquisition process. Please share it as appropriate with relevant audiences in your area. April’s Theme: Literature, New and Old /// April’s Language Point: CollocationsMay’s Theme: Our Oceans /// May’s Language Point: Commonly confused words New and Continuing Content: Faces and Places across the United States is a new series of live interviews that aims to foster cultural exchange through fun, casual conversations with Americans across the country. Our first interview will be on Tuesday, April 28th, at 11 a.m. DC time. A promotional graphic is included in this week’s materials. We post daily thematic content intended to support vocabulary acquisition and elicit conversation; next week’s graphic provides instructions for how to write a ten-second essay.We post monthly language point graphics; next week’s graphics feature collocations with get, pay, take, and break; and we’ll start May off with the commonly confused words accept and except.#TenseTuesdays is a series that models English language structures and usage by reviewing verb tenses and eliciting conversations. Next week’s graphic highlights the different functions of the future perfect tense and provides examples.#EPluribusUnum highlights the diversity of the United States and will feature information about Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May. Next week’s graphic shares information about loan words from languages of the Pacific islands.#WordyWednesdays features theme-related vocabulary; next week’s graphic features the genres comic and graphic novel.#WomenWednesdays features outstanding women; next week’s role model is author Toni Morrison.#ElectionVocabulary celebrates the democratic process; next week’s graphic explains the term “elect.”#EducationUSA consists of a vocabulary graphic about studying in the United States; next week’s term is “certificate program.” |
American English for Educators Facebook Page Description: The American English for Educators Facebook Page is an interactive platform aimed toward engaging English language teachers around the world with opportunities to reflect on their practice; we also aim to provide access to useful resources, creative teaching ideas, and professional development opportunities. Please share it as appropriate with educators in your area. April’s Theme: Promoting Reading and Writing of English Language LiteraturesMay’s Theme: Content-Based Instruction and Using English as a Medium of Instruction New and Continuing Content: #WordyWednesday features theme-related vocabulary; next week’s graphic features the term literary devices and provides a few examples.#ScenarioSaturday posts ask educators how they might best respond to a classroom scenario; next week’s post asks how teachers would address student resistance to a cooking-based English lesson.#MeaningfulMonday features the quote “I have a passion for teaching kids to become readers, to become comfortable with a book, not daunted. Books shouldn’t be daunting, they should be funny, exciting, and wonderful; and learning to be a reader gives a terrific advantage.”We will conclude our series of graphics about #SocialMediaLit and #TeachingMicroLit. Next week’s graphics feature examples of ten-second essays and a ten-second essay how to. We will continue sharing Teaching Tips from English Teaching Forum, classroom management techniques, and additional resources from americanenglish.state.gov. American English Live: Teacher Development Series 8 begins on May 6, 2020! Join us for a series of six Facebook Live professional development sessions for English language teachers around the world. We have included promotional graphics for Series 8 and Session 8.1 with this week’s materials. Additional details can be found below. |
AE Teacher’s Corner Facebook Group Description: The AE Teacher’s Corner has served as a dynamic community of practice for readers of Teacher’s Corner articles on our American English website. This pilot project has provided a useful model of effective engagement for us, and we are thankful for everyone who has contributed to it! Next week marks the final week that the AE Teacher’s Corner will be active, and we are inviting all members to transfer their membership to our new Access Teachers’ Corner (see above). April’s Theme: New LiteraciesIn this final month of AE Teacher’s Corner, we have taken a look at several new literacies in teaching and learning, such as instant messaging, comics, short-form video, and podcasting—and the potential impact they may have on teaching and learning English and critical-thinking skills. This Week: In this final week of exploring new literacies, based on the article “Engaging English Language Learners with New Forms of Literacy,” written by AE consultant Dan Ryder, we will focus our short-form video contest! Short Link to April’s Teacher’s Corner Article: Link to all March graphics and resources: https://wakelet.com/wake/3ad1ac3b-7641-40f2-98b7-ce0e0c139d9e |
American English YouTube ChannelOur American English YouTube channel is an outstanding resource for English language teaching and learning. The channel has a total of 654 videos, divided into three sections aimed at English language learners and English language teachers. We encourage you to use these resources freely and to invite teachers and learners in your area to subscribe to our channel. Featured Section:For English Language Teachers: Deep Dives into Professional Development by TopicThis newly added section features 15 thematic playlists. Twelve playlists consist of our full-length professional development webinars organized by topic, and three playlists consist of of short video clips that highlight teaching tips by topic. See this document for a detailed index of these 12 topics and videos. We’ve also started to download our YouTube playlists from this section into Box and SharePoint for you to access them more easily. So far, we have added the two playlists, Utilizing Technology in English Language Teaching, and Teaching Tips: Utilizing Technology in English Language Teaching, to these folders. Full Box link: https://state-low.box.com/v/YouTube-Playlists-for-TeachersFull SharePoint link: Featured Video:Common Literary GenresDescription: This week’s American English animated video reviews common literary genres through a conversation between two students enrolled in an online literature course. There is a quiz at the end for viewers to test their understanding. Full YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/fNLnryIAdsUShortened YouTube Link: Full Facebook Link: https://business.facebook.com/AmericanEnglishforEducators/videos/236837554262996/Shortened Facebook Link: |
American English Live Series 8 |
American English Live: Teacher Development Series 8 begins on May 6, 2020! Join us on facebook.com/AmericanEnglishforEducators for a series of six Facebook Live professional development sessions for English language teachers around the world. At the end of each session, complete a short quiz to earn a digital badge! Series 8 events take place every other Wednesday from May 6th through July 15th at 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Eastern Time from Washington, DC. You can check the local start time in your region here: bit.ly/ChecktheTime Optional Certificate LanguageTo learn about viewing group sessions and a chance to earn an e-certificate when you attend 4 out of 6 sessions, contact your Regional English Language Office or local U.S. Embassy: https://americanenglish.state.gov/support-near-you-regional-english-language-officer-relo Shortened Language (280 count limit)American English Live: Teacher Development Series 8 begins on May 6, 2020! Follow American English for Educators on Facebook to stay updated on each event in the series! facebook.com/AmericanEnglishforEducators Note: If promoting for the Zoom platform, use this link in place of the Facebook link: https://eca-state.zoom.us/j/975451162 |