Ana María Rocca, ARTESOL Vice President, has been selected as Member A of the TESOL Affiliate Leadership Council. As Member A, Ana María will
·Attend meetings of the Affiliate Leadership Council
·Follow the mission and the vision of the affiliates and TESOL
·Plan activities to be held at the TESOL annual convention
·Plan the affiliate newsletter
·Work with other ALC members, the board liaison, and staff liaison to plan and organize the Affiliate Booth at the TESOL annual convention
·Organize and facilitate the Newsletter Editors’ Workshop
·Assist the chair in the coordination and implementation of affiliate functions at the annual convention and throughout the year
This position requires a 4-year commitment. Member A will move to chair-elect the following year, become the chair of the committee during the third year, and serve as past chair during the fourth year.
Congrats, Ana María!