Why and How ELT Associations Build Bridges, Promote Collaboration
Building bridges and promoting collaboration are key ingredients of ELTAs worldwide. In this talk the presenter will share the reasons why collaboration and building bridges is key to member engagement and promoting leadership. She will also provide key aspects to consider when implementing extensive sharing, learning and cooperation among ELTAs teams. Participants will leave with clear ideas of projects that they can potentially engage in, examples on how collaboration develops, and a roadmap to promote collaboration in their own contexts.
Grazzia María Mendoza Chirinos holds a Master`s in International Education and a Master`s in TESOL. She has been active in ESL and has done curriculum development for all levels. She has experience in the Higher Education context teaching English for academic purposes as well as for specific purposes and developing curriculum and programs at all levels of instruction. She was a former president of Latin America and Caribbean TESOL and the founder, former president, and current advisor of HELTA Honduras TESOL. She was a former TESOL International Board Member and Chair of the Finance Committee. At present she is a Strand Coordinator Teacher Educator for IS TESOL International Association, Chair Elect TEIs TESOL International Association, and EVO Assistant Coordinator for CALL IS TESOL International Association.