GONZÁLEZ, María Susana; OTERO, Ana María Amanda; ROCCA, Ana María
Reading comprehension of different academic text genres
Fri, May 10. 14:00-15:00
In the reading comprehension courses in English at a state University in Buenos Aires, a model of academic text reading that responds to the tenets of a strategic, interactive reading approach has been developed considering students with a low level of knowledge of the foreign language. In this semi-plenary, the presenters will explain the model’s theoretical underpinnings and will exemplify its application to different academic text genres: explanations, expositions, debates or challenges.
María Susana González is a teacher of English, a BA in Letters and a MA in Discourse Analysis. Head of the Reading Comprehension Chair at Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. She is the Director of ARTESOL ESP journal. She has been directing research projects since 2003.
Ana María Otero. English teacher and Bachelor in Educational Communication Technology. She is a coordinator and a researcher in UBACyT projects at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. She works for Continuing Professional Development courses as a teacher educator for primary, secondary and university levels.
Ana María Rocca is a Public Translator of English and holds a “Diploma Superior en Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). She is a teacher of English at Secretaría de Extensión, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Her research interests are Reading Comprehension and Adult Education. She is the Director of ARTESOL EFL journal.