• Carina CAPORALINI, Eliana HENRIQUEZ, & Gabriela GARCÍA

15. Spontaneous speech and listening: activities and assessment  – Room School Auditorium         

(demonstration #152)

The presenters will seek to explain how the knowledge and intensive practice of prosody and the features of fast natural speech can influence attentive listening, resulting in a successful handling of the message. They will show classroom activities and assessment methods which could enhance the participants’ teaching practice.

  • Liza Perez MIRANDA, Lucía RAMOS LEIVA, & Leslye ESCOBAR

16. Empowering preservice teachers by practicing out of educational contexts – Room Salón AMICANA

(research paper #129)

This presentation shows how incorporating service learning with a focus on social justice in an instructional methods course impacts the preparation of EFL teachers in Chile. Attendees will hear the benefits and challenges of this project, and discuss how EFL teaching courses can develop social responsibility along with pedagogical skills.

  • Florencia L. MORGILLO

17. Gender issues through Songs at Secondary School – Room 7

(demonstration #108)

The current legislation in Argentina (LEN 26206/06) states that an integrated view of Health and Sexual Education for adolescents should be included in the syllabus at secondary school. The presenter will address this issue by explaining how to use authentic material for authentic learning to cater for these pedagogical dimensions.

  •  Adriana María MORALES VASCO

18. Exploring in-service teachers´ cognition: discourses vs. practices – Room 8     

(research paper #109)

Classroom practices are thought to reflect what teachers think, know, and believe (teachers´ cognition), but can both agreements and disagreements between teachers´ cognition and actual classroom actions be identified? How? Findings from a descriptive-exploratory study will attempt to answer these questions and shed light upon implications for language teachers´ professional development.

  • María Laura GONZÁLEZ & Mariela HUALPA

19. Disciplinary reading in English: a genre- based proposal – Room 9

(research paper #117)

A reading comprehension course of disciplinary texts in English for students of Spanish at Universidad Nacional de San Juan helps them familiarize with some of the genres they need to handle in their discourse community. The presenters will show how they organize the course from a genre- based perspective.

  • Eladio DONOSO

20. Errors in written discourse committed by EFL teacher trainees – Room 25

(research paper #102)

The presenter will show the results of a study that accounts for the grammatical errors committed in a writing activity by future EFL teachers of four different levels in order to approach a description of their interlanguage. Results reveal major differences of interlanguage between first year and fifth year participants.

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