1. Developing fluency and stress in the EFL Classroom – Room: School Auditorium
(demonstration #114)
English Pronunciation is a very valued skill among students. However, there are challenges with teaching it in an EFL setting. This presentation will focus on two classroom activities to practice and reinforce the teaching of fluency and stress using suprasegmentals.
- Paola DANESI
2. Critical thinking tasks to boost language development – Room: Salón AMICANA CANCELLED
(demonstration # 155)
Most children graduate from school today without having developed the critical thinking skills they need to face today´s demands. The speaker will present a portfolio of CT tasks to shake up students´ minds and help them enhance their language skills.
3. English Language Teachers’ perceptions towards Critical Pedagogy in ELT – Room 8 CANCELLED
(research paper #103)
English language teaching needs to go beyond cognition with few socio-political implications. It requires to transform both students’ and teachers’ perspectives towards the society they are immersed. This research analyses the perceptions and attitudes of English language teachers towards critical pedagogy in ELT.
- Beatriz CASTIÑEIRA & María Rosa MUCCI
4. Are you listening to me? Multidimensional classroom talk – Room 25
(demonstration #124)
Discourse analysis is a useful tool in ESL/EFL teaching for the selection of material, to increase students’ participation, and even to avoid students’ exclusion. This demonstration aims to show the use of DA to empower teachers by analyzing classroom interaction, thus enhancing communication.