• BERARDO, Eliana

Direct vs. indirect feedback in EFL writing

(Research paper)

Is it necessary that writing instructors provide solutions for their students’ mistakes, or should they point them out and let students find a solution on their own? The presenter will begin by summarizing recent research on the matter and she will continue to present the results of her own study on the effectiveness of direct and indirect feedback in helping first and third-year EFL college students improve their compositions in academic writing courses. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the first and second draft of their assignments was carried out to draw conclusions and propose plans to improve feedback practice.

  • PISTORIO, María Inés

Explicit and implicit listening strategy instruction in EFL 

(Research paper)

This study presents a model of listening strategy based instruction applied to secondary school students in Córdoba with an elementary level of English. A Background Questionnaire and a Strategy Questionnaire were used in order to collect information at the beginning and at the end of the study. The listening strategy training involved explicit and implicit instruction in cognitive, compensation, metacognitive and social affective strategies used in listening comprehension. It is concluded that explicit instruction improved students’ listening competence more than implicit instruction. This work also reveals that motivation positively influences the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language.


  • CASTIÑEIRA, Beatriz;  MUCCI, María Rosa

Too academic to play games? Jeopardy at university


Many popular games are usually included in ESL/EFL classrooms with the intention of transforming a learning activity into an engaging experience. For example, Jeopardy is a classic game in different fields such as accounting, chemistry or health care. In this demonstration the presenters will show how this game can be used not only as an ice breaker but also as an evaluation tool. They will also share the benefits that the game provides following an experience with students in higher education.

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