22. March 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: NEWS






TIRF — The International Research Foundation for English Language Education – is pleased to announce its 2014 Doctoral Dissertation Grants competition in partnership with the British Council. Grants of up to US $5,000 will be made to successful applicants investigating any of the following topics:


•Bilingualism or Plurilingualism in Business, Industry, and the Professions

•Language Assessment

•Optimal Uses of Technology in the Delivery of English Language Instruction

•Language Teacher Education

•Students’ Age and Effective English Language Education in Schools

•Language Policy and Planning


Applicants must be enrolled in a legitimate doctoral program and must have been advanced to candidacy.  (That is, they must have completed any required coursework and/or examinations, and must have had their research plan official approved by the university.)


We are seeking proposals from doctoral candidates at universities in the countries on the OECD DAC list of countries <http://www.oecd.org/dac/stats/49483614.pdf>, or candidates in other countries whose work has the potential for positive impact in developing nations. We are particularly interested in research proposals that have clear implications for policy makers and others in positions to make decisions about English language education practices. Thus doctoral students from countries on the OEDC DAC list are eligible, as are candidates whose work has the potential to directly and positively influence English language education in those countries.


To be eligible for the TIRF-British Council award, the application’s cover sheet of the should include the following statement from the candidate: “I affirm that I am from a country on the OEDC DAC list <http://www.oecd.org/dac/stats/49483614.pdf> or that my research has the potential to influence language education in at least one of those countries. My research will have clear implications for policy makers and others in positions to make decisions about English education practices.”


For further information, please click here or visit http://www.tirfonline.org/research-grants/doctoral-dissertation-grants/

 Extended deadline

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