• Carina CAPORALINI, Eliana HENRIQUEZ, & Gabriela GARCÍA

15. Spontaneous speech and listening: activities and assessment  – Room School Auditorium         

(demonstration #152)

The presenters will seek to explain how the knowledge and intensive practice of prosody and the features of fast natural speech can influence attentive listening, resulting in a successful handling of the message. They will show classroom activities and assessment methods which could enhance the participants’ teaching practice.

  • Liza Perez MIRANDA, Lucía RAMOS LEIVA, & Leslye ESCOBAR

16. Empowering preservice teachers by practicing out of educational contexts – Room Salón AMICANA

(research paper #129)

This presentation shows how incorporating service learning with a focus on social justice in an instructional methods course impacts the preparation of EFL teachers in Chile. Attendees will hear the benefits and challenges of this project, and discuss how EFL teaching courses can develop social responsibility along with pedagogical skills.

  • Florencia L. MORGILLO

17. Gender issues through Songs at Secondary School – Room 7

(demonstration #108)

The current legislation in Argentina (LEN 26206/06) states that an integrated view of Health and Sexual Education for adolescents should be included in the syllabus at secondary school. The presenter will address this issue by explaining how to use authentic material for authentic learning to cater for these pedagogical dimensions.

  •  Adriana María MORALES VASCO

18. Exploring in-service teachers´ cognition: discourses vs. practices – Room 8     

(research paper #109)

Classroom practices are thought to reflect what teachers think, know, and believe (teachers´ cognition), but can both agreements and disagreements between teachers´ cognition and actual classroom actions be identified? How? Findings from a descriptive-exploratory study will attempt to answer these questions and shed light upon implications for language teachers´ professional development.

  • María Laura GONZÁLEZ & Mariela HUALPA

19. Disciplinary reading in English: a genre- based proposal – Room 9

(research paper #117)

A reading comprehension course of disciplinary texts in English for students of Spanish at Universidad Nacional de San Juan helps them familiarize with some of the genres they need to handle in their discourse community. The presenters will show how they organize the course from a genre- based perspective.

  • Eladio DONOSO

20. Errors in written discourse committed by EFL teacher trainees – Room 25

(research paper #102)

The presenter will show the results of a study that accounts for the grammatical errors committed in a writing activity by future EFL teachers of four different levels in order to approach a description of their interlanguage. Results reveal major differences of interlanguage between first year and fifth year participants.

  • Anna McCOURT

10. The modern language classroom: how technology changes teachers’ roles – School Auditorium

(workshop #154)

Internet and free access to language learning software does not replace language teachers, but it does mean that the teacher’s role changes. What are skills that learners cannot get online? This presenter will provide techniques to incorporate production, critical thinking, and social skills into lessons to stimulate learner autonomy.

  • Lia BRENNEMAN & Maria Victoria MUÑOZ

11. Plan B, Your Back Pocket Activities When Technology Fails – Room: Salón AMICANA

(workshop #141)

The goal is to create communicative, back-up lesson plans for a classroom with no technology. The participants will be grouped to develop lesson plans in a collaborative round-robin pairing of receptive and productive skills, which can in turn serve as a model lesson plan sharing exercise in any context.

  • Nylia Elena MONTÉ

12. Brain-Based Learning: building a bridge between Neurosciences and Education – Room 7

(workshop #126)

Knowing how the brain works is essential for teachers to select strategies and design activities that go hand in hand with how students’ brains learn. In a fun way, using a variety of interactive activities, this workshop will bring teachers closer to a very wise way of teaching.

  • Elsa ACETO

13. Lead to believe. Believe to teach – Room 8

(workshop #131)

Teachers are visualized as commanders in charge. They are in a position to lead but not always aware of it. During this workshop, attendants will be able to discover the leader they carry inside and how to help students find the one inside themselves.

  • Viviana María VALENTI &  Marisa Andrea GALIMBERTI

14. How to design hypermedia material to ensure knowledge construction – Room 25

(workshop #125)

What should teachers consider when designing digital material? This workshop will aim at helping teachers develop a criterion to produce hyperlinked documents. The theoretical framework used combines features of Learning, Language and Hypermedia. Groups will criticize digital documents and finally agree on guidelines for the design of on-line teaching material.

  • Carolina VERGARA-MERY

5. What to do when rubrics go wrong?  Room: School Auditorium

(demonstration #104)

Rubrics have become one of the most consistent tools to assess written and oral performances in English. How to make sure, then, that those rubrics effectively give us the information we need? Participants will use the techniques and procedures presented to help improve faulty rubrics.

  • Erickzon Dany ASTORGA CABEZAS

6. Grammaring:  The effects on EFL learners’ communicative skills – Room: Salón AMICANA

(research paper #122)

This study examines the results of implementing Grammaring to improve grammar proficiency in writing skills of low-level EFL learners. Data from 50-students control group and 50-students experimental group are gathered and interpreted. The results from a comparative analysis of pre- and post-tests will demonstrate improvements in EFL learners’ written skills.

  • Jorge LEMOS SHLOTTER         

7. Let’s ‘Grammar’ with and from Systemic-Functional Linguistics  – Room 7         

(demonstration #148)

English grammar teaching in EFL classes should be neither challenging nor frustrating, but fun with and from Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL). Approaching teaching from such a perspective helps students internalize and use grammar meaningful and purposefully in contextualized discourses. To use such an approach improves students’ language intelligibility and performance.

  • Jorge SÁNCHEZ

8. Fostering the learning of research genres in higher education – Room 8

(research paper #105)

Mastery of a foreign language is a priority for personal and professional development. At university, ESP courses should enhance the teaching and learning of research genres. Thus, this presentation informs about an on-going research project related to empirical informative abstracts conducted at the School of Political and Social Sciences, UNCuyo.

  • Marcela QUINTANA & Lucia RAMOS

9. Metacognitive and cognitive processes in lesson planning – Room 25

(research paper #132)

This presentation will show the results of a study on metacognitive and cognitive processes that occur in the mind of pre-service EFL teachers when planning a lesson. This knowledge will eventually allow to determine better ways to support and improve our students’ higher order thinking skills.