Creativity, Mind and Emotions: Enhancing Multi-literacy Skills in the ELT Class


A multiliterate approach goes beyond writing and speaking skills, and include non-linguistic representations and ways of communicating that may be extended beyond standard abilities. This presentation aims at sharing with the audience a different perspective from traditional strategies, by combining TBI (Task-Based Instruction) activities- based on the language required to perform specific tasks- together with a genuine interest on the students´ aptitudes and skills, thus opening the door to creativity, emotions and content in our classroom. 


Rita Aldorino, MA in Education from the University of Kansas, USA, is a fulltime EFL instructor at high school, and a Phonetics, Discourse, Didactics and English Literature instructor at college level in Jujuy, Argentina.  Twice a Fulbright recipient, Rita taught Spanish and ESL at high school and at university in the USA. Her perception of teaching and learning  lies on the idea that each individual brings a unique contribution to the process, and it is the instructor´s expertise that can make a difference in the students’ learning experience.

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  1. Is this in Spanish or English?

  2. Andrea Zaida Nuñez Gonzales

    Thank you for such a great event.

  3. I am very grateful ti TESOL fir giving me the opportunity to attend the Webinar.

  4. El webinariio está muy interesante y la Profesora tiene muchas sugerencias para la enseñanza de los estudiantes.

  5. Dear Robert,

    ARTESOL webinars are delivered in English.

    ARTESOL team

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