04. May 2024 · Comments Off on Convention Topics 2024 · Categories: Uncategorized

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, evolving communication landscapes, and diverse learning environments, the need for imaginative teaching methodologies and successful learner-proven strategies in ELT has never been more critical.

ARTESOL Annual Conference “Amplifying Imagination in ELT” plans to serve as a catalyst for educators to explore, discuss, and harness the power of creativity, innovative ideas, and ground-breaking approaches in the teaching and learning of English. The conference aims to create a dynamic ambit where participants may delve into a spectrum of topics while celebrating learning, collaboration, and the transformative power of English language education.

The following general topics may be presented in the 2024 Convention:

  1. Teaching/learning of the four macro skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in different educational levels.
  2. Trends in macro skills assessment practices.
  3. Trends in online or in-person teaching. This may include but is not limited to: the role of teachers as facilitators, genre-based pedagogy, task-based learning, blended learning, technology-mediated learning, games and gamification, project-based learning, social-emotional learning,multimodal literacy, among other topics.
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the ELT classroom.
  5. English for academic and professional purposes.
  6. Intercultural communicative competence.
  7. Global citizenship education
  8. The role of L1 (and other languages) in ELT teaching and learning.
  9. Inclusive practices in ELT.
  10. Teaching and learning English in different sociocultural contexts.
  11. Advances in research and future directions in ELT.
  12. Key global trends shaping the demand for English use.
  13. Teachers’ and students’ identities and beliefs.
  14. Challenges in Spanish- English translators’ training.
  15. Critical language awareness.
  16. Environmental sustainability and ELT.
  17. Mindfulness and well- being in Education

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