

  • ALDORINO, Rita; GUTIERREZ BARCENA, Melina; MAMANI, Ana del Rosario; MOLINA, Emanuel

Exploring literature in the EFL class: discovering new worlds


Bringing literature into the EFL class can be a timeless opening to include a wide range of content and tasks to help develop diverse skills. The opportunities that arise from including Literature in the English class may open doors for students and teachers to explore the language, the culture, and the different perceptions that are needed to make this an enriching experience. In this poster session, attendees will have access to an alternative pedagogic strategy to incorporate Literature the EFL class, and will be able to observe how these activities can promote diverse skills and expand learners’ views about language.

  • BERARDO, Eliana

Direct vs. indirect feedback in EFL writing

(Research paper)

Is it necessary that writing instructors provide solutions for their students’ mistakes, or should they point them out and let students find a solution on their own? The presenter will begin by summarizing recent research on the matter and she will continue to present the results of her own study on the effectiveness of direct and indirect feedback in helping first and third-year EFL college students improve their compositions in academic writing courses. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the first and second draft of their assignments was carried out to draw conclusions and propose plans to improve feedback practice.

  • BREIBURD, Silvia

Assess Gen Zers for success. And save the stress


ELT professionals face unprecedented challenges to reach 21 century students. This presentation will reveal how addressing distinct attributes of the digital generations and using effective assessment strategies, may create better classroom climate, facilitate teaching and enhance Gen Z learning. Along the workshop, the presenter will relate generational traits to evidence-based successful assessment practices while providing participants with dialogic spaces to adjust findings to their contexts. Attendees’ tangible takeaway will also include: ideas to enhance visual input, tools to develop students’ metacognition and useful tips to progress from ‘what works’ to ‘what works best’ to improve students’ results.

  • CAICEDO, Vladimir

Unleash your Power…Point. Teaching resources to foster motivation


Grammar teaching has always been a matter of concern in the EFL classroom due to its prescriptive nature. Several teachers only rely on ELT textbooks to teach grammar, posing limitations on students’ engagement and motivation since most textbooks’ contents and themes lack of relatedness to students’ daily life context and their approach to practice is monotonous. This presentation will walk participants through the basic principles of theme-based learning and gamification to design teaching and learning resources on PowerPoint based on students’ interests to foster intrinsic motivation in the ELT classroom.

  • CASTIÑEIRA, Beatriz;  MUCCI, María Rosa

Too academic to play games? Jeopardy at university


Many popular games are usually included in ESL/EFL classrooms with the intention of transforming a learning activity into an engaging experience. For example, Jeopardy is a classic game in different fields such as accounting, chemistry or health care. In this demonstration the presenters will show how this game can be used not only as an ice breaker but also as an evaluation tool. They will also share the benefits that the game provides following an experience with students in higher education.

  • FLORES, Mónica

Boosting vocabulary learning through technology


This workshop aims to provide English instructors of all levels with engaging technological tools to support students’ vocabulary learning process. First, the rationale behind the goals and benefits of using technology to teach vocabulary will be presented and participants will explore the use of technological tools individually, in pairs or in groups. To conclude, the presenter will then pose some reflective questions to the audience.

  • GÓMEZ, María Laura;  GARCÍA, Aurelia

Particularity in Action


During this workshop, attendants will work collaboratively on developing a didactic sequence considering the specific needs of a particular group of students. The assessment of needs will indicate what learners have to learn, what they like to learn, and what they have not yet learned, corresponding to learner needs, wants, and lacks. Attendants will be challenged to explore the application of a TBL framework where students become involved in some instruction decisions. In the last stage of this workshop, the presenters will foster a round up reflection, where the attendants will discuss considerations on applying the developed sequence.

  • GONZÁLEZ, María Susana, ALBINI, María Claudia; ROCCA, Ana María

Application of a Reading Comprehension Model to Academic Texts


In the reading comprehension courses in English at a state university in Argentina, a model of academic text reading that responds to the tenets of a strategic, interactive reading approach has been developed considering students with a low level of knowledge of the foreign language (mainly A1-CPF). In this demonstration, the presenters will apply this reading model to short academic texts and the audience will participate as students. The aim of the demonstration is to show how it is possible to help students become strategic readers and abandon linear reading in a short instruction period.

  • INNOCENTINI, Viviana

A study of interaction in scientific discourse

(Research paper)

Interest in scientific and academic discourse has been on the rise over the last decades, with numerous studies addressing research papers and their abstracts as the main genres to be analyzed. A solid body of research exists on the stereotypical rhetorical organization patterns of moves and steps -or sub-functions- of these genres, yet interaction and negotiation within the discourse community remain to be further investigated. This study explores interaction in abstracts within the framework of metadiscourse from a contrastive rhetoric perspective. The presenter will refer to its theoretical-methodological frame, the process of corpus construction and analysis, and preliminary findings.

  • LOPEZ CASOLI, Marina

Rubrics for EFL writing instruction in secondary school

(Research paper)

A growing concern among EFL teachers is that no matter how much written work from their students they correct, many students do not improve their writing. In view of this concern, this presentation will describe an on-going investigation into the training of rubric use to improve the writing skill of EFL students in secondary school. The purpose of this study in progress is to determine whether the systematic use of a rubric can help students not only improve their writing by becoming aware of their errors but also become more autonomous writers beyond the guided classroom context.

  • MONTÉ, Nylia

Brain Matters! Enrich your classes with Brain-based Learning


Knowing how the brain works is essential for teachers to select strategies and design activities that go hand in hand with how students’ brains learn. In a fun way, using a variety of interactive activities, this workshop will bring teachers closer to a very wise way of teaching: Brain-based Learning. We will learn very practical ways to enrich our students’ brains by applying knowledge from the field of Neurosciences and Education.

  • MONTÉ, Nylia

Games Galore to Spice up your Classes!


Having fun in class is a serious thing! Come to this workshop and learn simple ways to spice up your lessons with lots of games. Learn the benefits of using them in class and take home a new collection of games to use with students of different ages and levels.


Customized tests for 21st C (customized) students


Assessment is an important process to evaluate and measure students’ learning progress and acquisition of skills (Hughes, 2017; Ur, 2012). Measurement procedures should consist of varied tools and instruments. Although many times assessment tools come in the form of pre-prepared tests, teachers may feel they fail to mirror classroom work because of their ‘generic nature’ (Tennant, 2018) leaving no other alternative but to resort to a customized instrument. This presentation will disclose issues around designing “customized” tests so that they reflect students’ abilities and capacities.

  • NELSON, Andrew

Effective methods for teaching idioms in the L2 classroom


Using idioms appropriately can be complicated. Given the complexity and frequency of various idioms, instructors should dedicate some of their class time to teaching them; however, instructors may not have a logical method for doing so. During this 45-minute demonstration, the presenter will describe an effective technique for teaching idioms that includes schema building, elicitation, scaffolding, and awareness-raising. Additionally, participants will realize that idioms are easier to learn when presented thematically and that creating independent practice activities related to the same theme is more memorable for students.

  • ORTIZ, Patricia; INSIRILLO, Patricia

The impact of reading instruction on students’ VLS profile

(Research paper)

The purpose of the study is to explore how reading comprehension instruction without overt vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) treatment impacts on the students’ strategic profile detected at the beginning of their instruction period in the School of Philosophy and Arts at state university in Argentina. The results and discussion here presented are a continuation of a previous work where students’ VLS profile previous to instruction was mapped out as a starting point to inquire about how reading instruction may or may not modify such profile.

  • PISTORIO, María Inés

Explicit and implicit listening strategy instruction in EFL 

(Research paper)

This study presents a model of listening strategy based instruction applied to secondary school students in Córdoba with an elementary level of English. A Background Questionnaire and a Strategy Questionnaire were used in order to collect information at the beginning and at the end of the study. The listening strategy training involved explicit and implicit instruction in cognitive, compensation, metacognitive and social affective strategies used in listening comprehension. It is concluded that explicit instruction improved students’ listening competence more than implicit instruction. This work also reveals that motivation positively influences the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language.

  • PLOUGH, India

Creating communicative activities to build grammar


Consensus-reaching tasks are ideal for promoting authentic, purposeful interaction between students. In this workshop, we will review the communicative functions, grammatical structures, and vocabulary that can be built into these task types for students at different proficiency levels. We will also discuss possible rubrics to assess student performance, depending on the pedagogical focus. Teachers will create several tasks and leave the workshop with a template for creating additional consensus-reaching tasks.

  • SÁNCHEZ, Jorge

The distribution of the rhetorical sections in RA abstracts

(Research paper)

The textual architecture of research article (RA) abstracts may vary according to disciplinary field. Knowledge of how abstracts are structurally organized may also provide insights into how authors arrange their information in abstracts. Therefore, the presenter will describe the order of the moves and steps established by the CARS model as well as the rhetorical sections not captured by this framework based on a corpus of 92 informative research article abstracts from the field of applied linguistics. He will also report on the most/least common rhetorical sequences, the recurrence of the moves and steps, among other issues.

  • TISCORNIA, Teresa

Making thinking visible in the Literature classroom


The presenter will begin by introducing the theory of Visible Thinking as a valuable tool to promote motivation in the Literature classroom and achieve higher -order thinking. In today´s diverse classrooms it has become fundamental to build a culture of independent thinkers who nourish from the thinking process itself as well as the thinking of others.
She will then share a concrete set of strategies to incorporate thinking routines into everyday literature lessons as a creative, original way to approach Literature and to value independent thinking as an aim in itself.

  • VAZQUEZ, Esther

How to boost deep learning through brain-compatible teaching


The brain is the organ of learning. No one doubts it. Yet, it has just been over the last years that some key information about “brain- compatible teaching” has shed light on how to promote better teaching-learning experiences. In this workshop the presenter and attendees will share some of these latest findings and move on to classify familiar classroom practices as brain-compatible or brain-antagonistic in accordance with existing data. Last, they will join in a discussion on how to introduce methodologies that help to create resonant learning environments that facilitate and promote lifelong learning.

  • VILLALBA, Alfredo Andrés

Flipped Learning activities with smartphones, tablets and laptops


In this workshop, the presenter will discuss how flipped learning techniques can be used in the teaching of English. Technology is used in flipped learning classrooms to teach languages as well as other subjects. During the workshop, teachers will learn how to plan, organise, design and create flipped activities to use in class when teaching literature and getting students to practice writing, reading, listening and speaking.




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