1.Developing fluency and stress in the EFL Classroom
Room: School Auditorium
English Pronunciation is a very valued skill among students. However, there are challenges with teaching it in an EFL setting. This presentation will focus on two classroom activities to practice and reinforce the teaching of fluency and stress using suprasegmentals.
Presenter: Paula CABRERA
2.Critical thinking tasks to boost language development CANCELED
Room: Salón AMICANA
Most children graduate from school today without having developed the critical thinking skills they need to face today´s demands. The speaker will present a portfolio of CT tasks to shake up students´ minds and help them enhance their language skills.
Presenter: Paola DANESI
3.English Language Teachers’ perceptions towards Critical Pedagogy in ELT CANCELED
Research paper
Room 8
English language teaching needs to go beyond cognition with few socio-political implications. It requires to transform both students’ and teachers’ perspectives towards the society they are immersed in. This research analyses the perceptions and attitudes of English language teachers towards critical pedagogy in ELT.
Presenter: Nicolle SUAZO ALBORNOZ
4.Are you listening to me? Multidimensional classroom talk
Room 25
Discourse analysis is a useful tool in ESL/EFL teaching for the selection of material, to increase students’ participation, and even to avoid students’ exclusion. This demonstration aims to show the use of DA to empower teachers by analyzing classroom interaction, thus enhancing communication.
Presenters: Beatriz CASTIÑEIRA & María Rosa MUCCI
5.What to do when rubrics go wrong?
Room: School Auditorium
Rubrics have become one of the most consistent tools to assess written and oral performances in English. How to make sure, then, that those rubrics effectively give us the information we need? Participants will use the techniques and procedures presented to help improve faulty rubrics.
Presenter: Carolina VERGARA-MERY
6.Grammaring: The effects on EFL learners’ communicative skills
Research paper
Room: Salón AMICANA
This study examines the results of implementing Grammaring to improve grammar proficiency in writing skills of low-level EFL learners. Data from 50-students control group and 50-students experimental group are gathered and interpreted. The results from a comparative analysis of pre- and post-tests will demonstrate improvements in EFL learners’ written skills.
Presenter: Erickzon Dany ASTORGA CABEZAS
7.Let’s ‘Grammar’ with and from Systemic-Functional Linguistics
Room 7
English grammar teaching in EFL classes should be neither challenging nor frustrating, but fun with and from Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL). Approaching teaching from such a perspective helps students internalize and use grammar meaningfully and purposefully in contextualized discourses. To use such an approach improves students’ language intelligibility and performance.
Presenter: Jorge LEMOS SHLOTTER
8.Fostering the learning of research genres in higher education
Research paper
Room 8
Mastery of a foreign language is a priority for personal and professional development. At university, ESP courses should enhance the teaching and learning of research genres. Thus, this presentation informs about an on-going research project related to empirical informative abstracts conducted at the School of Political and Social Sciences, UNCuyo.
Presenter: Jorge SÁNCHEZ
9.Metacognitive and cognitive processes in lesson planning
Research paper
Room 25
This presentation will show the results of a study on metacognitive and cognitive processes that occur in the mind of pre-service EFL teachers when planning a lesson. This knowledge will eventually allow to determine better ways to support and improve our students’ higher order thinking skills.
Presenters: Marcela QUINTANA & Lucia RAMOS
10.The modern language classroom: how technology changes teachers’ roles
Room: School Auditorium
Internet and free access to language learning software does not replace language teachers, but it does mean that the teacher’s role changes. What are skills that learners cannot get online? This presenter will provide techniques to incorporate production, critical thinking, and social skills into lessons to stimulate learner autonomy.
Presenters: Anna McCOURT
11.Plan B, Your Back Pocket Activities When Technology Fails
Room Salón AMICANA
The goal is to create communicative, back-up lesson plans for a classroom with no technology. The participants will be grouped to develop lesson plans in a collaborative round-robin pairing of receptive and productive skills, which can in turn serve as a model lesson plan sharing exercise in any context.
Presenters: Lia BRENNEMAN & Maria Victoria MUÑOZ
12.Brain-Based Learning: building a bridge between Neurosciences and Education
Room 7
Knowing how the brain works is essential for teachers to select strategies and design activities that go hand in hand with how students’ brains learn. In a fun way, using a variety of interactive activities, this workshop will bring teachers closer to a very wise way of teaching.
Presenter: Nylia Elena MONTÉ
13.Lead to believe. Believe to teach
Room 8
Teachers are visualized as commanders in charge. They are in a position to lead but not always aware of it. During this workshop, attendants will be able to discover the leader they carry inside and how to help students find the one inside themselves.
Presenter: Elsa ACETO
14.How to design hypermedia material to ensure knowledge construction
Room 25
What should teachers consider when designing digital material? This workshop will aim at helping teachers develop a criterion to produce hyperlinked documents. The theoretical framework used combines features of Learning, Language and Hypermedia. Groups will criticize digital documents and finally agree on guidelines for the design of on-line teaching material.
Presenters: Viviana María VALENTI & Marisa Andrea GALIMBERTI
15.Spontaneous speech and listening: activities and assessment
Room: School Auditorium
The presenters will seek to explain how the knowledge and intensive practice of prosody and the features of fast natural speech can influence attentive listening, resulting in a successful handling of the message. They will show classroom activities and assessment methods which could enhance the participants’ teaching practice.
Presenters: Carina CAPORALINI, Eliana HENRIQUEZ, & Gabriela GARCÍA
16.Empowering preservice teachers by practicing out of educational contexts
Research paper
Room: Salón AMICANA
This presentation shows how incorporating service learning with a focus on social justice in an instructional methods course impacts the preparation of EFL teachers in Chile. Attendees will hear the benefits and challenges of this project, and discuss how EFL teaching courses can develop social responsibility along with pedagogical skills.
Presenters: Liza Perez MIRANDA, Lucía RAMOS LEIVA, & Leslye ESCOBAR
17.Gender issues through Songs at Secondary School
Room 7
The current legislation in Argentina (LEN 26206/06) states that an integrated view of Health and Sexual Education for adolescents should be included in the syllabus at secondary school. The presenter will address this issue by explaining how to use authentic material for authentic learning to cater for these pedagogical dimensions.
Presenter: Florencia L. MORGILLO
18.Exploring in-service teachers´ cognition: discourses vs. practices CANCELED
Research paper
Room 8
Classroom practices are thought to reflect what teachers think, know, and believe (teachers´ cognition), but can both agreements and disagreements between teachers´ cognition and actual classroom actions be identified? How? Findings from a descriptive-exploratory study will attempt to answer these questions and shed light upon implications for language teachers´ professional development.
Presenter: Adriana María MORALES VASCO
19.Disciplinary reading in English: a genre- based proposal
Research paper
Room 9
A reading comprehension course of disciplinary texts in English for students of Spanish at Universidad Nacional de San Juan helps them familiarize with some of the genres they need to handle in their discourse community. The presenters will show how they organize the course from a genre- based perspective.
Presenter: María Laura GONZÁLEZ & Mariela HUALPA
20.Errors in written discourse committed by EFL teacher trainees
Research paper
Room 25
The presenter will show the results of a study that accounts for the grammatical errors committed in a writing activity by future EFL teachers of four different levels in order to approach a description of their interlanguage. Results reveal major differences of interlanguage between first year and fifth year participants.
Presenter: Eladio DONOSO
21.Learning Strategies: encouraging our own education
Room: School Auditorium
For decades we have brushed up our teaching techniques, focussing on ways to improve our students’ performance. However, we are just beginning to discuss autonomy, while most of our work creates a culture of dependency. This session will explore six approaches that demonstrate that students can learn autonomously and meaningfully.
Presenter: Alastair GRANT
22.Experiential Learning to Improve Grammar, Speaking, and Writing Skills
Room: Salón AMICANA
English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers want their students to learn concepts beyond a textbook page. How can language teachers create experiential projects where students improve their language skills? This workshop will demonstrate three kinds of experiential activities and participants will create their own to implement in their classrooms.
Presenter: Dinorah SAPP
23.Teaching to understand and produce texts: A pedagogy
Room 7
Understanding what a text does as a social activity, how it does this and what language resources are implicated are essential to develop genre literacy in modern EFL courses. In this workshop, participants will take the steps of a pedagogy leading to the scaffolded production of texts.
Presenters: Samiah HASSAN, & Cristina BOCCIA
24.Meanings in images: comprehending and producing visual narratives
Room 8
Presenters will help participants explore visual resources used by picture book illustrators to place readers as outside observers or invite them to participate in the story world. Possible applications of this analysis will be considered for the EFL classroom and some comprehension and production activities will be put into practice.
Presenters: Alejandra FARÍAS, Emilia MORESCHI, & Mercedes ROMERO DAY
25.Genre awareness in ESP courses at University level
Round table
Room 9
In this round table we will present and debate the particular Format of ESP courses at four Argentine Universities. Courses are designed considering the prototypical genres used in different academic fields and the tenets of the schools of the genre based approach: ESP, the New Rhetoric, and the Sydney School.
Presenters: Viviana INNOCENTINI, Alicia María NOCETI, Jorge SÁNCHEZ, & María Susana GONZÁLEZ
26.Sounds, words, rhythm: creating contexts toward our summit
Room 25
Sounds combine to create words, phrases, sentences, which help convey the musicality of language. This workshop intends to demonstrate how the use of poetry can integrate these components to support oral- aural skills in the EFL class. The audience will experience alternative ways to further these abilities in everyday lessons.
Presenter: Rita ALDORINO
27.Students’ vocabulary learning strategies profile in reading comprehension courses
Research paper
Room: School Auditorium
Teaching strategies to learn vocabulary can speed up the process of vocabulary learning in reading comprehension courses. The purpose of the study is to explore the VLS profiles of students attending reading comprehension courses at the beginning of their instruction period in the School of Philosophy and Arts, UBA.
Presenters: Patricia Alejandra INSIRILLO & Patricia del Valle ORTIZ
28.Creative and Constructive Solutions to Teaching Challenges
Room: Salón AMICANA
The presenter will provide a framework for her Supervised Teaching class, and model a professional development module: Creative and Constructive Solutions, in which collaboration will provide participants the opportunity to reflect on their own context, encourage positive solutions, and discuss guiding our new student-teachers to implement the same strategy.
Presenter: Lía BRENNEMAN
29.The use of Spanish in EFL Chilean classrooms
Research paper
Room 7
The goal of the presentation is to report a study that accounts for the perceptions of 229 EFL teacher trainees regarding the use of Spanish as L1 in EFL classes. These future EFL teachers belong to their first and fourth year course levels of training in tertiary education in the degree in English Pedagogy of four Chilean universities.
Presenter: Eladio DONOSO
30.Integrating ICT through the virtual campus into face-to-face teaching
Room 8
Virtual campuses offer tools that can be integrated into face-to-face teaching. Are we teachers aware of the benefits of introducing them in our classes? In this presentation, we will demonstrate how the tool Glossary has been used to help students categorize technical vocabulary in an ESP course in Mechatronics Engineering.
Presenters: Lyda LEIBOVICH & Patricia SAMPIETRO
31.Importance of abstracts as a mini academic genre
Research paper
Room 9
Students who are being trained in reading comprehension at the School of Philosophy and Letters, Universidad de Buenos Aires, should become aware of the fact that the reading of abstracts takes place during the anticipation period and that this activity is really important for the formulation of specific hypotheses.
Presenters: María Susana GONZÁLEZ & María Claudia ALBINI
32.Describing Listening Strategy Patterns by Upper Secondary School Students
Research paper
Room 25
The presenter will describe the listening strategy patterns of direct and indirect strategies used by upper secondary school students of English in Córdoba, Argentina. In addition, she will specify the categories of memory, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive and social affective strategies, and will compare gender differences according to the task performed.
Presenter: María Ines PISTORIO
33.Language Mentoring Project: make them learn!
Room 12
Mentoring seems to be an effective strategy to meet each student’s needs in a mixed-ability group with few hours of class per week. The presenter will share the experience and demonstrate the benefits of a language mentoring project implemented with mixed-ability groups of 17-year-old students in a secondary school.
Presenter: Nolwenn GAUTIER
34.Blended-learning in Teaching Reading Comprehension in English
Room 12
This is a qualitative study which will describe the implementation of blended-learning in the context of a recently-created university as an attempt to answer the following question: “Is the hybrid method of teaching effective for this specific community of students?”
Presenters: Ileana BONETTO, Silvia DELLA VEDOVA, María Laura GODOY, Anabella IOTTI, & Marcela PUEBLA
35.Facilitating school to university transition: an articulation project.
Room 12
The Articulation Project for the English class between the School of Engineering (UNLPam) and EPET3 (Informatics Orientation) was designed to address the need for better articulation between secondary and university education. The purpose of this project is to improve students’ linguistic abilities and connect them to the university academic programs.
Presenters: Estela Raquel RAMOS, María Julia FORTE, Ana Laura BACCI, & Mariana PAGELLA
36.A virtualization program at Facultad de Ingeniería UNLPam
Room 12
Technologies in the 21st century have made an impact on the way knowledge is accessible to students, making educational processes available beyond the classroom. In an attempt to create ubiquitous learning environments, a virtualization project is being implemented to reinforce the English courses at the university.
Presenters: Estela Raquel RAMOS, Mariana PAGELLA, María Julia FORTE, & Ana Laura BACCI
37.Posters to Engage and Empower Students in Grammar Class
Room 13
Intensive English Program (IEP) students taking grammar classes are often overwhelmed by the amount of rules needed to test their knowledge. This poster session presents an alternative form of assessment for grammar classes for any level or skill. The presenter will show a lesson plan, rubrics, and pictures of posters.
Presenter: Dinorah SAPP
38.Uncovering interaction in research articles’ abstracts
Room 13
Research articles’ abstracts have become a genre of increasing interest; most studies have identified and described its characteristic elements as a genre awareness resource for helping writers improve their writing. Interaction represents an emerging area of interest, which the presenter will explore through the framework of metadiscourse.
Presenter: Viviana A. INNOCENTINI
39.Networking in ELT: understanding teachers’ needs, goals and expectations
Room 13
Despite the availability of updating courses for EFL professionals, they might fail to address the teachers’ concerns. A possible explanation may be an increasing gap between course designers and classroom practitioners. Preliminary insights regarding pre-service and in-service teachers’ identified gaps and needs in terms of professional training will be shared.
Presenters: Viviana A. INNOCENTINI & Ana Barbara FORTE
40.Teaching Organization for Writing
Room: School Auditorium
Ever looked at a student’s paper and felt completely puzzled by what they are trying to say? The vocabulary is appropriate. The sentence structure seems mixed up in places, but you can understand what was intended. But when you read the text as a whole, you feel like a ball on a squash court. You know the issue is organization, but how do you address it? In this workshop we will use sample essays to consider why students may have problems organizing their writing, how we can work with them one on one, and finally how we can teach organization to a whole class without dictating what to write.
Presenter: Dudley Reynolds
41.Mobile learning and the flipped classroom
Room: Salón AMICANA
Using mobile learning and the Flipped classroom will definitely help us improve as professionals and make our teaching a lot more interactive and fun. As 21st century teachers we need to give our students the ideal tools to improve the skills required and transform our teaching style into a more attractive, authentic, and meaningful experience.
Presenter: Siorella GONZALES SÁNCHEZ
42.Capturing students’ best performance with valid classroom language assessment
Room 7
This workshop is targeted at educators who wish to improve their understanding of valid language-testing principles and techniques to capture students’ best performance. Workshop participants will discuss a variety of testing scenarios and design sample assessments and scoring tools. Participants will work with sample test data to practice item analysis.
Presenter: Jennifer RAMOS
43.University English students as architects of their own knowledge
Room 8
The session’s goal is to provide strategies to help University students develop basic soft skills such as team-spiritedness, self-management, decision-making, and problem-solving through specifically tailored Project Based Learning (PBL). The presenters will illustrate the PBL stages and lead participants through a PBL activity to develop their own projects.
Presenters: Gloria Estela QUINTERO RIVEROS, & Diana RUIZ GAMA
44.Spice up your classes with lots of games!
Room 9
Having fun in class is a serious thing! Come to this workshop and learn simple ways to spice up your lessons with lots of games. Learn the benefits of using them in class and take home a new collection of games to use with students of different ages and levels.
Presenter: Nylia MONTÉ
45.Collaborative Learning: making ourselves unnecessary
Room 25
We are aware of the importance of grammar and vocabulary, but we also know the younger generation learns better from peers. How can we develop this autonomy and also ensure they pass exams? Let us explore the benefits of students engaging in collaborative learning, and strategies to make ourselves unnecessary.
Presenter: Alastair GRANT