GRANT, Alastair
Spoken language, speaking skills and confident communication
Developing effective speaking skills is about much more than practicing grammar and vocabulary. It requires use of a range of sub-skills and communication strategies as well as knowledge of the language and discourse features that characterise typical spoken language. This workshop examines the characteristics of spoken language and explores practical techniques for developing effective oral communication strategies in the classroom.
Biographical statement
Alastair Grant is a Teacher Trainer and ELT materials writer. He is the Academic Director at Colegio Nuevo Las Lomas. He is a consultant on the profesorado de inglés at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Buenos Aires, where he has also lectured in Methodology and Discourse Analysis.
Needs and obstacles in English for Research Publication Purposes
Academic writing is mostly dominated by English-medium journals, which are regarded as the main route to prestige and visibility of writers. For multilingual scholars to become active participants in such an international discourse community, they not only need to cope with the demands of writing in a foreign language, but they also need to understand the ‘ropes’ of the academy and satisfy gatekeepers’ expectations in terms of discourse patterns and meaning negotiations. Despite shared assumptions about the challenge of writing in ERPP, little is known about novice scholars perceptions. Qualitative data and implications will be shared with the audience.
Biographical statement
Viviana Innocentini, Master in TEFL, PhD candidate, is Adjunct professor and researcher at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. She teaches reading comprehension courses for undergraduate students and writing for academic purposes courses for graduate students at the School of Agricultural Engineering. Her research interests include academic genres and metadiscourse
MENDOZA, Grazzia
Social and Emotional Learning: Why Teacher Well Being Matters
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a key element to consider in education. Emphasizing on providing strategies to cope is relevant when considering teacher and learner well-being. Emergency situations, crisis and conflict, at home situations can trigger emotional situations in the classroom that need to be addressed by educators who understands their own wellbeing. Now, more than ever the phrase “we can’t give from an empty vessel” rings true and needs to be real in the classroom. During this session, the presenter will share strategies and tools to promote SEL. Participants will leave with resources that aide implementation in the field.
Biographical Statement
Grazzia Mendoza is a US State Department Alumna recognized for project development for teachers’ professional growth and has been in the field for 28 years. Research interests include CALL, CBLT and Methodological approaches to Professional Development. She is TESOL International Association Board Member (Chair Finance Committee) Education Specialist USAID Honduras.
BORGNIA, Claudia
Title Portfolio assessment in a college writing class
Portfolio use to aid writing assessment has been implemented since the 80s in a large part of the English speaking world. However, its application in Argentine settings has not been so widespread. The presenter will begin by outlining what portfolio assessment consists in and its value as a testing device for writing courses. Then, she will explain how she implemented it in a freshmen writing class at the TEFL program at UNMDP. The presentation will end with a demonstration of some sample portfolios and the future integration of the tool in other courses in the program.
Biographical Statement
Claudia Borgnia holds a TEFL degree and an MA in literary translation. She is in charge of two writing courses at the TEFL program at UNMDP and ESP courses at UNICEN. She is pursuing her Ph. D. in linguistics and is a member of the research group “Cuestiones del Lenguaje”.
CARROLL, Kim, MARTIN, Rachel, and SAPP, Sinorah
Beyond content delivery: Creating responsive, sustainable distance teaching
Online and distance education has become the norm for many schools over this past year. Administrators, teachers, trainers, and coaches are learning how to adjust to create communicative, interactive language learning environments for learners. This interactive roundtable discussion will focus on how to give feedback to programs and teachers with a focus on building responsive practices that are sustainable for all parties. The presenters will share their experiences and facilitate discussion focusing on online teacher observation protocol, training teachers for online instruction, and creating systems for responsive feedback at a distance.
Biographical Statement
Kim Carroll, Rachel Martin, and Dinorah Sapp met as English Language Fellows for the U.S. State Department in 2019-2020. They have been classroom teachers, curriculum designers, teacher trainers, and program directors. They continue to support teachers in Paraguay, Peru, and Chile, as well as English language learners around the world.
Reimagining ELT classes for the 21st century? Go visual!
A new generation of digital, global and visual learners challenges ELT educators to rethink the methodological stages of presentation, practice and production (or 3 Ps). This workshop will dig into students’ collective needs and wants and provide easy-to-implement strategies and activities that will allow practitioners to transform their lessons with visually enhanced, Z-friendly, 21st century upgraded activities. Participants’ takeaway will include ideas for developing not only language and communication skills but also real-world dispositions such as collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and citizenship along the process.
Biographical statement
Silvia Breiburd defines herself as a curious everlasting learner who loves to share her own questions in search of collaborative anwers. Sheadvocates generational-friendly sustainable leadership, and adjusting teaching to new educational paradigms. She has authored several articles and blog post and presented at national and overseas conferences.
CORREA, Alonso
Educational technology: SAMR model and web 3.0 apps ** CANCELLED
Since COVID-19 arrived in Peru, many institutions, schools, universities and professionals turned to technology to help teaching in a remote mode. Then, some apps and platforms like whatsapp and g-suite were adopted as daily tools but some questions arise:
Are these tools enough to teach a class?
How can we integrate technology into our classes?
What tools/apps should we use in our classes?
This workshop gives insights of the SAMR model, which helps teachers to integrate technology into their classes and will provide some practical apps and platforms that help foster creativity and collaboration.
Biographical Statement
Alonso Correa is a computer science engineer and language teacher. He holds a master’s degree and PhD in education. As a presenter, he has made presentations related to the use of technology in education at TESOL Chile, ASOCOPI, TESOL Peru, IATEFL Peru, BETA Bolivia and in Ecuador as well
Reading comprehension of RA abstracts: Suggested steps in task design
In a reading comprehension course for RA abstracts, it is important to propose tasks systematically designed to enhance students’ understanding of the rhetorical information. Thus, this study informs about the different steps in task design to raise university students’ awareness of the importance of the academic genre abstract in English.
Biographical Statement
MA in Applied Linguistics, ESP and EAP teacher and researcher at UNCuyo; Specialist in Teaching at Higher Education and Diplomado in Social Sciences.
Engaging tasks to boost critical thinking and language skills
Most students go through school without having developed their critical thinking skills. It is vital that they become critical thinkers since they will need to solve problems, evaluate information and make smart decisions in the future. EFL classes are a good opportunity to help them learn the language and develop their high order thinking skills at the same time. In this presentation, the speaker will present a portfolio of activities and strategies to engage students in more challenging tasks, promote the development of their thinking skills and enhance their language skills.
Biographical Statement
Paola Danesi holds an international certificate on Communicative Language Teaching Materials Design from the Institute of Education, University of London. She is in charge of the subject ‘English language III’ at IES Lenguas Vivas (J.R.Fernández). She is also a teacher trainer at the Escuela de Maestros, Gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires and has co authored teachers´ books for primary schools, Macmillan.
ERAZO, Beatriz
Developing peer-assessment and team collaboration when teaching remotely
Due to the need to teach remotely, English teachers need to find online tools that promote collaboration and peer-assessment to integrate the four skills, improve the learning process, and enhance social responsibility. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use Google Docs and Kaizena to give and receive feedback, the challenges that may arise in the process, and their benefits.
Biographical Statement
Beatriz Erazo, MA in TESOL, is a highly committed and collaborative teacher trainer at Mayor de San Andres University and San Pablo Bolivian Catholic University. She is interested in promoting students’ autonomy, motivation, reflective learning-teaching, and critical thinking within the framework of Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, and Experiential Learning.
ETCHECHOURY, Sabrina, and ORTIZ, Mariné
Being on the crest of hybrid and blended teaching
During this last year Covid has taken over our lives and jobs so teachers had to reinvent their teaching process developing different strategies and new methodologies. Hybrid and blended learning have become trending topics but how should we put them into practice? The presenters will explain the difference between these two terms and share with attendees plenty of ideas and strategies they can use in their classes. Practical tips, ready to apply activities, and useful websites will also be presented.
Biographical Statements
Sabrina Etchechoury is an English teacher; she holds a post título in Education and Human Rights. She has specialised in young and very young learners’ education and is well experienced in project based learning.
Mariné Ortiz holds a BA in Educational Management from FLACSO; is an ‘English-for-Babies’ instructor, a storyteller, a songs-lover; has specialized in working with very young learners and shares practical tips at @brightideas.elt. She enthusiastically embraces the use of technology and describes herself as a techie-teacher.
ERAZO, Beatriz
Teaching and learning vocabulary through storytelling and peer correction
Learners feel they need to know vocabulary to communicate. Storytelling provides room to combine communicative skills and vocabulary acquisition, while peer correction can strengthen that learning. Participants will work with and reflect upon activities meant to teach adjectives and antonyms, phrasal verbs, and idiomatical phrases related to the human body. They will also try out four different techniques to perform peer correction in the English classroom.
Biographical Statement
Beatriz Erazo, MA in TESOL, is a highly committed and collaborative teacher trainer at Mayor de San Andres University and San Pablo Bolivian Catholic University. She is interested in promoting students’ autonomy, motivation, reflective learning-teaching, and critical thinking within the framework of Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, and Experiential Learning.
ERAZO, Beatriz
Technology integration: enhancing the English learning process
Experienced and novice English teachers, by will or force, have integrated technology (applications, software, and different devices) in their practice for decades now. How is this happening? How is it serving the learning process? This workshop will provide participants with a framework to reflect and improve how they are integrating technology into their classes. It will also allow them to develop a plan to include learning apps in their teaching practice, trying them first-hand, focusing on the learning and teaching process above all.
Biographical Statement
Beatriz Erazo, MA in TESOL, is a highly committed and collaborative teacher trainer at Mayor de San Andres University and San Pablo Bolivian Catholic University. She is interested in promoting students’ autonomy, motivation, reflective learning-teaching, and critical thinking within the framework of Blended Learning, Flipped Classroom, and Experiential Learning.
The Involvement Load Hypothesis in L2 vocabulary learning.
Research findings in the area of teaching-and-learning a foreign language have suggested new ways to teach L2 vocabulary. In this talk, the presenter will define the Involvement Load Hypothesis. Then, she will describe a research study that she conducted, report the results and discuss the evidence that indicates that to consider the tenets of the ILH when teaching new English words to secondary school students with low proficiency may help them improve their vocabulary.
Biographical Statement
Rosario holds a teaching degree in EFL by the UNSJ and an M.A in TEFL by the UEA (Spain). She teaches ESP at university level in UNSJ and ESOL in secondary schools in San Juan. She also works as a remote teacher for the British Council (Plan Ceibal- Uruguay).
BASABE, Enrique
Sex Education in ELTEd: Using Hemingway to teach consent
The presenter will reflect on his experience in integrating Sex Education to the teaching of literature in the ELTed program at the Universidad Nacional de La Pampa in 2019 and 2020. Based on documents and class observations, he will provide an account of the ways in which he used a short story by Ernest Hemingway to spark response and debate around consent in sexual relationships. The presenter will then describe the lines of action he will take in his plan to include Sex Education as cross-curricular content in the literature course under consideration.
Biographical Statement
Enrique Alejandro Basabe is a lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages at Universidad Nacional de La Pampa (UNLPam). He holds an MA in ELT and BCS and a PhD in Education. His main interests are teacher education and cultural issues in American, and Latin American contexts.
GONZÁLEZ, María Susana and ALBINI, María Claudia
Students’ Knowledge about Organization and Function of Abstracts
Effective reading is gained not only by employing task-specific strategies, but also by the ability to use the strategies, which are appropriate to the situation. Information provided by abstracts helps advance reading hypotheses of research articles, since they are concise summaries of longer pieces of writing that focus on the most significant ideas covered. If students can recognize the different moves in abstracts, they will advance specific hypotheses which will guide them in their propositional reading and personal reconstruction of the text. The presenters will show this through detailed analysis and explanation of the first step in research done with university students.
Biographical Statements
María Susana González is a teacher of English, a B. A. in Letters and a M. A. in Discourse Analysis, graduated at Buenos Aires University. At present, she is in charge of the Chair of Reading Comprehension in English at the School of Philosophy and Letters (U.B.A) and a researcher.
María Claudia Albini is a graduate teacher of English, a teacher of Music, a B.A. in Education and a B.A. in Arts. She is a researcher and professor at FFyL-UBA and at DAMus-UNA. Editor of ARTESOL ESPjournal. Main research interests: Reading Comprehension and the relationship between Music and Languages.
GRIMAU, Celeste
The art of using action games in the classroom
Games can be used in language instruction as part of any teaching method. In this workshop the presenter will show how some action games can be used by making the audience participate in the activities. Participants will leave the session full of energy and ideas about how to implement games into their lessons.
Biographical Statement
Celeste Grimau – director of STEPS, international speaker, specialist in games and creativity, story teller, drama student and writer. Author of Vitamin Shock Games. Former ARTESOL Board member.
HERFERT, Anabella
Let the (digital) games begin! Playing with young learners
The presenter will begin by discussing notions of game-based learning in order to provide a brief theoretical framework. Then, ideas and examples for games, game-like activities and resources to use in the EFL class with young learners will be shared. Some of the questions that this demonstration will try to address are: What tools and resources can be used to create digital games for young learners? How can traditional games be adapted to design digital versions?
Biographical Statement
Anabella B. Herfert graduated from “ISP Joaquín V. González” and finished her BA in English Language at UTN. She is also a Digital Technologies Specialist graduated from FLACSO. She has taught in schools for 18 years. At teacher training college she teaches ICT and Methods for kindergarten and primary.
HUACCHO, María Isabel
Promoting critical thinking and creativity in the EFL classroom
In recent years, the importance of developing critical thinking skills has been in the spotlight, raising teachers’ awareness on the subject. However, do we feel ready enough to help our students develop such skills? If so, how could we implement strategies or design activities to foster those skills? In this workshop, the presenter will share some practical ideas to demonstrate how specific tasks can be brought into language teaching sessions. Attendees will be given ample opportunities to actively participate in this presentation.
Biographical Statement
María Isabel Huaccho is an experienced English teacher. She holds an MA TEFL and certificates from the LCCI Business English, Cambridge and IH. She has presented in events organized by IATEFL and TESOL International. She specializes in teacher training and ESP courses. Her main interests are soft skills, ICT and intercultural awareness.
LAURÍA, Patricia and LAVARDA, Julieta
Using English to develop Intercomprehension into Germanic Languages online
In this workshop the presenters will share some of the findings on intercomprehension into Germanic languages (IGL) through English from a research study. The theory behind the research will be briefly summarised and then the audience will be given the opportunity to experience the extent to which English can be an effective bridge to comprehending texts in German and Dutch and have an insight into the online course being currently designed by the presenters and their research team. Conceived as a journey, such a course aims at guiding learners through different parts of an intercomprehensive trip.
Biographical Statements
Patricia Lauría de Gentile MA. teaches Special Didactics and is in charge of the final Practicum of the teaching track at Facultad de Lenguas, UNC. She currently directs the research project on Intercomprehension in Germanic Languages (IGL), which focuses on the design of an online IGL course.
Julieta Lavarda, teacher and tranlator, teaches EFL at Colegio Gabriel Taborin and Asociación Argentina de Cultura Británica in Córdoba. She is currently part of the research team on Intercomprehension in Germanic Languages (IGL), which focuses on the design of an online IGL course.
Mind the gap: grammar activity sequences in EFL coursebooks
Grammar teaching is one of several, equally important, components of an EFL lesson. In teaching materials, however, its integration with other components of a teaching sequence is not always guaranteed, so that the form-focused stage may be self-contained and disconnected from the rest. This exploratory study will look into the role, nature and sequencing of grammar activities in a sample from three pre-intermediate level EFL coursebooks and will seek to establish the strength of the relationship between a grammar-focused stage and the preceding and following lesson stages. Results may raise teacher’s awareness of the relevance of sequencing in lesson planning.
Biographical Statement
Mario López-Barrios holds a Dr. phil. (Universität Kassel, Germany) and a degree in language education in English and German (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina). Professor of foreign language teaching (School of Languages, UNC). Areas of interest: foreign language teaching and learning, materials development, research methods in applied linguistics.
When is it best to tackle grammar?
The presenter will discuss the perceptions of Argentine first-year majors in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language program at a public university regarding when they prefer to receive grammar instruction, whether it should be integrated to or isolated from the communicative practice in a class sequence (integrated from-focused instruction or isolated form-focused instructions respectively). The results show that students prefer integrated to isolated form-focused instruction, which is in line with the theoretical views that highlight the relevance of integrating grammar instruction into the communicative practice. However, results show that students also highly value isolated form-focused instruction.
Biographical Statement
Marina López Casoli, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP), holds a BA in TEFL (Argentina) and MA in English Language and Rhetoric (USA). She has taught EFL at different academic levels for over 20 years. Currently, she teaches at high-school level at a bilingual school, is a teacher-researcher in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language program at UNMdP, and does research on feedback and evaluation practices
LUCHINI, Pedro and BERARDO, Eliana
It’s the teacher’s job”: Students’ perceptions on feedback
All teachers burn the midnight oil more often than not to provide feedback on their students’ assignments. Do students attend to this feedback? Do they see it as a valuable language learning tool? Do students at different levels have different expectations as to the quantity and the quality of the feedback they receive? The presenters will answer these and other questions in light of a recent research study carried out with Argentinean high-school students.
Biographical Statements
Pedro Luis Luchini: Postdoctoral degree in Linguistics, Universidade Federal Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil; Doctor in Letters, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP), Argentina, 2015; MA in ELT & AL, King’s College, University of London, England, 2003. EFL teacher, UNMdP, 1993. Currently: Full Professor and research group director,UNMdP.
Eliana Berardo holds an EFL degree (UNMdP) and a Master’s degree in TEFL (UNINI- Puerto Rico). She is working toward a PhD in Language Sciences at UNMdP. She is a member of the research group Cuestiones del Lenguaje (UNMdP). Her main research interests are written corrective feedback and task-based learning.
From grading to assessing: the road to be travelled.
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the teaching scenario radically. The emerging unprecedented circumstances have forced teachers to change their assessment practices to fit the “new normal”. Under the present state of affairs, reproducing old grading habits in the virtual setting may not only be unsuitable, but also very difficult to carry out. This talk will provide reasons for changing paradigms in assessment. Presenter will share effective strategies that show how moving away from grades towards formative practices may not only help teachers identify what students know and understand more efficiently but also provide better feedback and formative guidance to learners.
Biographical Statement
Débora Nacamuli Klebs is a passionate teacher trainer and coach, supporter of high-quality professional development and mentoring, with wide experience and expertise in secondary teaching. She has lectured on ELT Methodology for 25 years and is a presenter both nationally and internationally, and a present board member of ARTESOL.
PAEZ, Ana Claudia and TEJADA, Paula Mercedes
Technical English in Nursing Studies: a teaching proposal
The 2020 pandemic has altered all the aspects in society life. The teaching of classes at universities changed: content had to be adjusted and new strategies developed to adapt to virtual settings. The presenters will share ideas on how Zoom and Moodle can be used to enhance collaborative learning synchronically and asynchronically and to create personalized evaluation forms. They will also demonstrate how breakout rooms in Zoom favour student-student interaction. As regards the use of Moodle, they will explain how to create glossaries, games and a question bank to apply personalized evaluations will be presented.
Biographical Statement
Ana Claudia Paez is an English teacher at UNLPam. She holds a Specialization in Education and New Technologies (FLACSO). She is in charge of the Chairs Technical English and Level I of English Language – Level II of English Language in the teacher training programme Education Sciences both at UNLPam.
Paula Mercedes Tejeda is an English teacher and translator. She holds a Specialization in Scientific and Technical Translation (UNC). She is an assistant teacher in the Chair of Technical English at Exact and Natural Sciences College (UNLPam). She has worked with teenagers and adults in private institutes and public schools.
D’ANUNZIO, Gabriela Inés, KINICKI, Bárbara Andrea and SUCHECKI, Myriam Verónica
Retention and performance when learning English at university
The poster will report on an ongoing research project entitled “Previous linguistic competences in English: An action of teaching and integration between secondary school and university”, which is being carried out at the National University of La Matanza (UNLaM). Students from English I (the first of four levels of English included in the curriculum of all undergraduate programs) participating in the study expressed that they usually have difficulties in passing language courses because of their deficient linguistic competences. Therefore, the aim of this project is to upgrade and implement a previously generated self-managed online course for students prior to taking the subject English I.
Biographical Statements
Gabriela Inés D’Anunzio
Teacher of English II and III, Technical English I and II, and researcher at National University of La Matanza. Sworn translator of English, University of Morón, 1995. Master of English as a Foreign Language, University of Jaén, 2010. Diploma in integrating TIC into the curriculum, University of Morón, 2018
Bárbara Andrea Konicki
Teacher of English and researcher at the National University of La Matanza. In 1999, I graduated as a teacher of English from the University of Morón. I received a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics to TEFL from the University of Jaén in 2012.
Myriam Verónica Suchecki
Teacher of English I and II, Technical English I and II and researcher at National University of La Matanza. Teacher of English, University of Morón, 2000. Master in Distance Learning, University of Morón, 2014.
TUMBEIRO, Marisa and GONZALEZ, María Susana
Moves in the “Hard Sciences” Review Articles: Pedagogical Implications
University undergraduate students need to acquire reading strategies to select bibliography to read. Abstracts in reviews and research articles provide information about the paper content and rhetorical organization, therefore it is important for students to be familiar with the different moves in these pieces of writing because if they can recognize them, they will advance specific hypotheses which will guide them in their propositional reading and personal reconstruction of the text. In this paper we will concentrate in the first step of a longer research project: the description of moves in review abstracts of Pharmacology, Optics, and Nuclear Medicine.
Biographical Statement
Marisa Tumbeiro is a teacher of English, an English translator, and a simultaneous and consecutive translator in English. At present, she teaches reading comprehension in English at the School of Philosophy and Letters and at the School of Pharmacology and Biochemistry (UBA) and at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino.
María Susana González is a teacher of English, a B. A. in Letters and a M. A. in Discourse Analysis, graduated at Buenos Aires University. At present, she is in charge of the Chair of Reading Comprehension in English at the School of Philosophy and Letters (U.B.A) and a researcher.
Teaching pronunciation with an integrated approach
Traditional pronunciation lessons zealously pursued accuracy and, to achieve such aim, heavily relied on meaningless repetition. This approach seems to have shaped corseted non-native speakers with a stilted pronunciation and a choppy intonation. In view of this, it is of paramount importance to go beyond and teach pronunciation in a more meaningful way so that students can acquire practical strategies that will boost their speaking performance. This talk is aimed at sharing authentic activities which will surely enhance your students’ pronunciation and empower them as language users.
Biographical Statement
Pablo Demarchi holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and a postgraduate degree in English Language Teaching from Universidad del Salvador (USAL). Completed the intensive programme on Contemporary Phonetics at University of London. Currently pursuing his Master’s Degree in Communications at UADE. Managing Director of Path Examinations Latin America
GARFINKEL, Noelia and GARIBOTTO, Gabriela
Nurturing emotional intelligence through literature
In the past few years, research has highlighted the importance of developing learners’ emotional intelligence as a reliable and necessary element of academic achievement. Therefore, practical and theoretical learner-oriented strategies based on enhancing students’ emotional intelligence have been provided to educators to promote emotional well being. However, little has been discussed on how literature and comprehensive sexuality education in a language class can be used as an amicable vehicle towards the development of emotional intelligence. This presentation will share some insights and practical ideas we have gained after working with literature and Emotional Intelligence in EFL classrooms for many years.
Biographical Statements
Noelia Garfinkel holds a BA in Teaching English and Materials Design (UCAECE). Noelia holds a Higher Diploma in Reading, writing, and education (FLACSO) and is currently specializing in Storytelling (lESLV “Juan Ramón Fernández”) She has taken teacher development workshops such as “Juegos y espacios lúdicos and Creative writing for educators (FLACSO).
Gabriela Garibotto holds a BA in Teaching English and Materials Design (UCAECE). Gabriela holds a Diploma in Neuroscience in Education (Universidad de Buenos Aires – Asociación Educar). Gabriela has specialized in Flipped Learning (Flipped Learning Global Organization). She is currently doing the Diploma in Innovation and Educational Technology in Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.
LOVISA, María Laura and VAZQUEZ, Daiana
Empowering students through the development of global skills
Formal education is undergoing countless transformations and so are teachers’ and learners´ roles. Teachers need to rethink their daily practice considering new teaching- learning practices which are encompassed within the framework of Global Skills so as to prepare students for lifelong learning and success. On these terms, this workshop will aim at helping teachers build opportunities to develop students’ Global Skills in project- based learning environments. Concrete examples and practical ideas will be shared with attendees through dynamic activities that will make the audience active participants in the workshop.
Biographical Statements
María Laura Lovisa is a teacher of English (ISFD n°100) and has an Education Management degree (Escuela de Maestros, CABA). She has fulfilled the Bachelor’s Degree in English Language (UTN). She is a teacher trainer and researcher at CIIE Avellaneda and at ISFD n°100.
Daiana Vázquez is an English teacher (UNMdP) and has a Master’s degree in TESOL (UEMC) and a diploma in Neuroscience and Education (Grupo Congreso). She is coordinator of the English Department in a private school and a University writing instructor.
Using technology to assess the 4 macro skills
Education has extended from the physical space into virtual formats.Teachers have become familiar with different innovative ways of presenting their lessons in this new bi-modality and most already feel confident when interacting with students helping them acquire content and develop language skills. In this respect, EFL teachers focus on the four macro skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing, and as virtual education evolves, they now need to improve the assessment of students’ progress. In this webinar, the presenter will demonstrate strategies designed to assess students’ skills, integrating aspects of traditional assessment with the application of easy-to-use technology.
Biographical Statement
Andrés Villalba is an EFL teacher with a BA in Applied Linguistics from Universidad Nacional del Litoral de Santa Fe, Argentina, and a specialization from Ohio University in USA. Andrés delivers conferences about education for universities, ministries of education and teachers’ associations in Argentina and abroad. (This year he has received the Tesol International Association Award for International Participation.)
MUCCI, María Rosa and CASTIÑEIRA, Beatriz
So you want to rap? Rap that argument
Rap battles allow students to engage in tasks completely diverse from the traditional ones. In an attempt to help students improve their oral, reading and writing performance, the presenters will move away from storytelling and retelling and focus on specific topics not only to compensate for a deficit but to activate creativity thanks to the application of an academic genre approach to the production of arguments. The use of this design will provide an extraordinary opportunity for authentic communication and the possibility to increase fluency and the ability to debate specific topics.
Biographical statements
Maria Rosa Mucci, PhD., a specialist in cultural studies, teaches in UTN Avellaneda and UNQUI, former teacher at I.S.F.D. N° 24 and I.S.F.D. N° 100.
Beatriz Castiñeira, PhD., a specialist in discourse analysis and composition, teaches in I.S.F.D. N° 100 and I.S.F.D. N° 11, UTN Avellaneda and UNQUI.
Educational inclusion: strategies that work!
We teachers have always known that, hard as it may be, we are expected to create what are now known as inclusive learning environments. Therefore, we are supposed to detect our students’ special needs and plan and adapt our lessons accordingly. In this talk the presenter will share a broad range of teaching tips and easy to apply strategies that guarantee inclusive practices. At the same time, she will provide attendees with a list of useful apps which they will be able to use straight away to promote inclusion in their educational environments.
Biographical Statement
Esther Vázquez is an experienced teacher and teacher trainer and a specialist in the field of neurosciences, neurodiversity and education. She has lectured extensively in South America and the USA and in 2017 she received a TESOL Professional Development Scholarship. In 2019 Esther founded EVenio Educational Consultancy.
PAEZ, Ana Claudia
How can Gamification enhance English for Specific Purposes Classes
During the 2020 pandemic, University level students did not have the possibility to take face-to-face classes. At Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, the teacher in charge of ESP courses, English Level I and II, at the Educational Sciences Teacher Training Course looked for a variety of teaching strategies to work in a virtual context. She found that gamification offered the possibility to include a variety of games in the classes, allowing students to learn in new ways. It is the objective of this demonstration to show how in a technical English class students can be benefited from learning through games
Biographical statement
Ana Claudia Paez is an English teacher at UNLPam. She holds a Specialization in Education and New Technologies (FLACSO). She is in charge of the Chairs Technical English and Level I of English Language – Level II of English Language in the teacher-training program Education Sciences both at UNLPam.
MUSE, Romina
Stories to transform young learners challenging behaviour
This workshop explores behavior as the dialogue between actions and feelings. Behind every kind of behavior there is a hidden need striving to be ‘met’ and ‘heard’. But the intensity with which some behaviors may manifest makes teachers feel disempowered and overwhelmed. The presenter will tap into children’s stories to address and respond more effectively to challenging scenarios in kindergarten and primary school classrooms. She will demonstrate tactics for teaching students coping skills to handle difficult feelings and emotions. The participants will find fail-proof interventions to prevent and transform challenging behavior in their own teaching
Biographical statement
Romina Muse is a teacher and researcher from Buenos Aires, Argentina. She holds a degree in English and a diploma in Child Neuropsychology. She lived in England where she taught Spanish and English. Romina has presented her work at TESOL-Spain; FAAPI; BETA TESOL- IATEFL; Ministry of Education- SEN Weeks.
Enhancing visual literacy through the magic of picture books
How can we empower and equip students with visual literacy skills through literature? We can do it through the implementation of picture books in our lessons. Picture books are considered visual art forms where images and text interact. This workshop will introduce story time by employing a co – constructive approach which aims at both promoting students’ active participation and enhancing visual literacy skills. Practical activities based on the frameworks of Visual Thinking Strategies and the Whole Book Approach will be shared with workshop participants who will also have the possibility to browse a variety of picture books.
Biographical statement
Alba Carolina Rioja, Licenciada y Especialista en Didáctica de las Lenguas Extranjeras, is a teacher educator at Lenguas Vivas Salta where she lectures in Special Didactics. She also works at a technical school and at ISICANA. In 2017, she was awarded the Fulbright scholarship “Teaching and Excellence Achievement Program”
MONTÉ, Nylia
Time for fun! Games galore to rock your classes!
This workshop will start with a very brief introduction of the benefits of using games or play-activities in class, based in the field of Neurosciences and Education (Brain-Based Learning). Games provide students with effective practice of linguistic aspects, such as vocabulary and grammar, which favor storage of concepts in long-term memory. Play activities also help students develop higher order skills and cater for different learning styles. A collection of useful ideas of games will be presented. Mechanics to adapt simple games to the teaching of different topics and to different age groups and language proficiency levels will be discussed.
Biographical statement
Nylia Monté is a psychologist (USAL), English Teacher (UTN) and has Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences (U.B., U.C.A., U. San Andrés and in the USA). Head of English at NEA 2000 School and English teacher at ICANA. Author of the book “Games Galore! A Treasury of Useful Ideas for Teachers.”
MONTÉ, Nylia
Relationships matter! Meet your amazing social brain
Social Neuroscience research has revealed an astonishing array of influences that social contact has on the brain. Prof. Eric Jensen states that “significant social experiences take place in the classroom and in the school, and we know now that students’ brains will be altered by those experiences“. To ignore the social influence on students’ brains is irresponsible. It is very important then, that educators in general and EFL teachers in particular, see students’ search for social relationships as a natural and survival-oriented need, not as a distraction, and find ways to profit from it.
Biographical statement
Nylia Monté is a psychologist (USAL), English Teacher (UTN) and has Postgraduate Studies in Neurosciences (U.B., U.C.A., U. San Andrés and in the USA). Head of English at NEA 2000 School and English teacher at ICANA. Author of the book “Games Galore! A Treasury of Useful Ideas for Teachers.”