Congrats to Andrés Villalba!!
Andrés Villalba’s presentation ¨Flipped Learning activities with smartphones, tablets and laptops¨, presented at ARTESOL 2019, was selected by TESOL International as Best of Affiliates.
Each year six TESOL affiliates present sessions at TESOL Convention. These sessions are submitted as the best session from over 100 affiliate conferences. TESOL International is responsible for the selection of the BEST sessions. These six BEST will be presented at TESOL 2020 in Denver, USA.
Flipped Learning activities with smartphones, tablets and laptops
In this workshop, the presenter will discuss how flipped learning techniques can be used in the teaching of English. Technology is used in flipped learning classrooms to teach languages as well as other subjects. During the workshop, teachers will learn how to plan, organise, design and create flipped activities to use in class when teaching literature and getting students to practice writing, reading, listening and speaking.
To learn more about former ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Sessions, click here.
Click here to learn about TESOL Best of Affiliates 2020