29. September 2014 · 1 comment · Categories: NEWS

2014 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2015, Toronto, Canada


Argentina TESOL is proud to announce that Susana B. Tuero’s presentation at ARTESOL Convention 2014 was selected by TESOL International as a Best of Affiliates session to be presented at the TESOL 2015 International Convention and English Language Expo in Toronto, Canada, 25-28 March 2015.

Each year eight TESOL affiliates present sessions at TESOL Convention. These sessions are submitted as the best session from over 100 affiliate conferences. TESOL International is responsible for the selection of the eight BEST sessions.

Click here to learn more about the Best of Affiliate sessions selected.

Susana B. Tuero

Susana B. Tuero

The Redundancy Effect in EFL Reading: When More Is Less Than It Seems
An accepted general belief is that the process of comprehension is enhanced when information is presented simultaneously in different modalities. The rational is that if the same information is provided in more than one way (image and text, spoken and written), students will have more exposure to the material, and will be able to choose the modality that best suits their learning style. Based on this information delivery hypothesis, EFL teachers usually present the same material in more than one format. The assumption is that comprehension will improve.
However, results from research in the area of cognition indicate that when the same information is presented simultaneously in different formats, the processes of comprehension, retention, and transfer are often hindered. This results from what is referred to as the redundancy effect. Presenting the same information in different modalities imposes such a load on the learners’ cognitive system that their performance is negatively affected. The purpose of this talk is to present the design of a research study carried out to investigate the effects that dual presentations had on EFL learners’ reading comprehension. Findings will be presented and their pedagogical implications discussed.

Former ARTESOL Best of Affiliates Presentations at TESOL

2013 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2014, Portland, Oregon, USA

2012 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2013, Dallas, Texas

2010 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2011, New Orleans, Louisisana

2009 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2010, Boston, Massachusetts




1 Comment

  1. Silvia Lidia De Monte

    I found the synthesis quite interesting and I would like to have more information about this and other topics, especially about the use of the student’s mother tongue in the E.F.L.class and how it influences learning. Thank you very much!

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