About Best of Affiliates
Each year seven TESOL affiliates present sessions at TESOL Convention.
These sessions are submitted as the best session from over 100 affiliate conferences.
TESOL International is responsible for the selection of the seven BEST sessions.
2013 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2014, Portland, Oregon.
Argentina TESOL is proud to announce that Dario Banegas’ presentation at ARTESOL Convention 2013 has been selected by TESOL International as a Best of Affiliates session at the TESOL 2014 International Convention and English Language Expo in Portland, Oregon USA, 26-29 March 2014.
Democratising Didactic Transposition in Secondary Education
Oregon Convention Center – Sat. March 29 10:00 am – 10:45 am
This paper examines how didactic transposition applied to CLIL was democratised by engaging a group of secondary school learners. Results showed that didactic transposition may become a democratic act when (1) teachers and learners negotiate topics and materials, and (2) when they discuss their motivations, needs, and interests.
Darío Luis Banegas
Ministerio de Educación del Chubut, Argentina
FORMER ARTESOL Best of Affiliates Presentations at TESOL
2012 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2013, Dallas, Texas
2010 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2011, New Orleans, Louisisana
2009 ARTESOL Best of Affiliate Presentation at TESOL 2010, Boston, Massachusetts