María Susana González, ARTESOL 2nd Vice President, presented at ASOCOPI 2020

COLLOQUIUM #7 – October 7, 2020. 6:15-7:15 pm
Audience: All
Challenges and Lessons Learned in Research for the ELT Context
María Susana González – ARTESOL / Universidad de Buenos Aires
Carlo Granados-Beltrán – ASOCOPI
Leticia Araceli Salas Serrano – Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de México BUAP
CA & CB Regional TESOL Group Conference
Colloquia 6:15 – 7:15
● Challenges and Lessons Learned in Research for the ELT Context
Audience: All
This colloquium will explore the challenges faced by four countries in the CA&CB/Latin America group in the area of research in ELT. Recently, teachers have been demanded to go into research, which is not always as easy as it seems given the conditions in which ELT teachers work in Latin American countries. Each of the participants will present and explain the lessons learned from experience as well as the current situation regarding research in the ELT context in their countries, challenges to overcome, the ongoing issues and their expectations for the future in the field.
The presenters in this colloquium were – María Susana González (University of Buenos Aires) – Leticia Araceli Salas Serrano (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de México BUAP) – Carlo Granados Beltrán (Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana – ÚNICA)