ARTESOL at ASOCOPI Annual Conference
COLLOQUIUM #7 – October 7, 2020. 6:15-7:15 pm
Audience: All
Challenges and Lessons Learned in Research for the ELT Context
María Susana González – ARTESOL / Universidad de Buenos Aires
Carlo Granados-Beltrán – ASOCOPI
Leticia Araceli Salas Serrano – Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de México BUAP
CA & CB Regional TESOL Group Conference
Colloquia 6:15 – 7:15
● Challenges and Lessons Learned in Research for the ELT Context
Audience: All
This colloquium will explore the challenges faced by four countries in the CA&CB/Latin America group in the area of research in ELT. Recently, teachers have been under pressure to go into research, a move which is not always as easy as it seems given the conditions in which ELT teachers work in Latin American countries. Each of the participants will present and explain lessons learned from experience as well as the current situation regarding research in the ELT context in their countries, challenges to overcome, the ongoing issues and their expectations for the future in the field.
María Susana González is a Teacher of English, a teacher and BA in Spanish Language and Literature. She holds an MA in Discourse from the University of Buenos Aires. She is the head of the English Chair in the School of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Buenos Aires.
Carlo Granados-Beltrán holds a PhD in Education from Universidad Santo Tomás, an MA in British Cultural Studies and ELT from the University of Warwick and an MA in Applied Linguistics to TEFL from Universidad Distrital. He is the Academic Director of the BA program in Bilingual Education at ÚNICA.
Araceli Salas has a Ph.D. in Language Science and an MA in ELT. Dr. Salas works as a professor/researcher in Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México. Her research interests include teacher education, discourse analysis and ESP. She is the editor-in-chief of Lenguas en Contexto and of the TESOL and MEXTESOL Journals.
Convention Program here (page 10)
Visit ASOCOPI website to submit proposals and find out about the conference overall here .