ARTESOL EFL journal is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ARTESOL EFL Journal receives submissions of unpublished manuscripts on any topic related to the area of EFL. All submissions should comply with the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
All manuscripts may be submitted in the following formats: Microsoft Word documents or RTF documents.
Submission guidelines
- Full-length articles should contain between 3.500 and 5,000 words in length, excluding appendices.
- They should include a brief biographical statement of the author(s) (paragraph format, maximum 100 words) their affiliation, and email address.
Authors’ biographical information will be removed when the article is distributed for blind review.
Submission categories
Four categories of manuscripts will be received: original research articles, reflective articles, pedagogical experiences in EFL, and materials and media reviews.
Original research articles
Original research articles should encompass the following sections:
- Abstract (150 words)
- Five to seven keywords.
- An introduction section containing:
- the research issue,
- the underlying theoretical framework,
- a description of the methodological tradition in which the study was conducted,
- research hypotheses or questions.
- Method section describing:
- participants and research context,
- data collection and analysis procedures,
- the apparatus or materials used,
- the procedures and the steps in the research,
- Results section including:
- presentation of graphs and tables that help explain the results,
- presentation of descriptive and inferential statistics used to analyze the data for quantitative research,
- data should reflect prolonged engagement, observation, and triangulation for qualitative research,
- Discussion section comprising:
- an evaluation and interpretation of the results,
- discussion of alternative explanations,
- causal inferences should be cautiously made,
- results of the study that should not be overly interpreted or generalized,
- results obtained in the study should be linked to original hypotheses.
- presentation of the implications and any limitations of the study.
- Conclusion section containing:
- a summary and general implications of the study,
- suggestions for further research.
- References (in APA 7th edition format).
- Appendices of instrument(s) used.
Reflective articles
These articles should show connections between learning and theories through the description, analysis, observation, and evaluation of a specific topic. Submissions should include
- Abstract (150 words).
- Five to seven keywords, if applicable.
- Description of the topic.
- Analysis – Theories.
- Outcomes.
- Evaluation.
- Suggestions, if applicable.
- Tables, graphs.
Pedagogical experiences in EFL
These articles should refer to original class experiences in EFL(strategies, techniques, course design).
These articles should include the following sections:
- An abstract of no more than 150 words, and a list of five to seven keywords.
- A report of original pedagogical experiences: teaching techniques and methodologies, management of different teaching situations, testing and assessment, materials development.
- Context
- Institutional or individual project.
- Type of institution, primary school, secondary school, teaching training college, university, school of English.
- Language level of students, mother tongue.
- Age of students (children, teenagers, adults)
- Number of periods a week devoted to the teaching of English.
- Background, frame of reference, sources.
- Types of materials used.
- Duration
- Outcome
Materials and media reviews
This section should encompass reviews of teaching materials, teacher resources (including technology), based on a theoretical framework and used in the classroom at universities, teacher training colleges and other institutions interested in the development of EFL courses or studies.
Reviews should not be longer than 1,600 words. The following information should be included at the beginning of the Review:
- Author(s)
- Title
- Publication date
- Publisher
- Publisher City and Country
All manuscripts submitted to ARTESOLESP Journal will go through a two-step review process.
- Internal review
The editors of the journal will first review each manuscript to see if it meets the basic requirements for articles published in the journal.
- External review
Submissions that meet the requirements stated above will be sent out for peer review from two to three experts in the field. This second review process takes 2–3 months. When this process is finished, the authors will receive copies of the external reviewers’ comments and will be notified as to the decision (acceptance, acceptance with changes, or rejection).
The following policies apply to all articles, reviews, and commentaries:
1. All submissions must conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references and citations, which must be in APA format.
2. Manuscripts that have already been published elsewhere or are being considered for publication elsewhere will not be considered for publication in Building Networks amongTeachers. It is the responsibility of the author to inform the editor of the existence of any similar work that is already published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
3. Authors of accepted manuscripts will assign to Building Networks amongTeachers the permanent right to electronically distribute the article.
4. The editors of Building Networks amongTeachers reserve the right to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are substantial.
5. Articles are copyrighted by their respective authors, but if published after electronic appearance, Building Networks amongTeachers will be acknowledged as the initial locus of publication.
The Editorial Board of Building Networks amongTeachers informs readers that the views, thoughts, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in the articles published in the Journal are the personal statements of their respective authors who are responsible for all contents, including the accuracy of the facts, claims, and references. The Editorial Board will not take any responsibility for any omissions and possible violations of third party rights with respect to the material contained herein.
By electronic mail, send the material to: