TESOL 2015 “Crossing Borders, Building Bridges”, 25-28 March, Toronto, Canada
Sessions organized by TESOL Affiliate Leadership Council
25 March, all day: Affiliate Workshop
This full day workshop focused on best practices of running an ELT association. The morning session, Inspiring Leadership Beyond the ‘Common Bond, was facilitated by a professional consultant. The afternoon was comprised of breakout sessions facilitated by six TESOL Affiliates:
- Advocacy:Connecting Members with Their Passion Within Our Affiliates. WITESOL
- Strategic Advocacy for K-12 English Learners in Indiana School. INTESOL
- Engaging Regional Members. BC TEAL
- Reaching a wider audience through online engagement. ETAI
- Supporting a Multicultural Community of TESOL Professionals. TESOL Arabia
- What is Colorado’s secret to their successful annual convention? CoTESOL
26 March 9-10:30am: Affiliate Colloquium, Building Bridges for Communication and Collaboration between Affiliates, facilitated by Janet Pierce, Affiliate Leadership Council, Past Chair, covered the following information:
- Reciprocal partnerships which comprise the Pan Asian Consortium (PAC),
- Reciprocal partnerships between YakutTESOL and TexTESOL V, and
- Partnerships and collaborating between BCTEAL and WATESOL.
(PAC):Richmond Stroupe, Japan Association of Language Teaching (JALT); Johanna Katchen, English Teachers’ Association Republic of China (ETA – ROC) and Suchada Nimmannit, Thailand TESOL;
YakutTESOL and TexTESOL V:Jey Venkatesan, Journal Editor,TexTESOL V;
Elizabeth Ostrow Smith, TexTESOL V Past-President;
Pa BCTEAL and WATESOL: ◦Shawna Williams, President, BC TEAL.
1–3pm: Affiliate Editors’ Workshop facilitated by Ana María Rocca, Affiliate Leadership Council, Member A Presentations included:
- “The new changing roles of ‘Editors’”, “Publication: a changing concept for our times,” MEXTESOL.
- “Moving from paper to electronic and website visibility,” and “Combining technological and people roles in a changing world.” Three Rivers TESOL
MEXTESOL: Pia Maria White, President and Ulrich Schrader, MEXTESOL-TESOL liaison
Three Rivers TESOL: Janet Pierce, Secretary, and Robert Mucklo, Webmaster
27 March, 10am–12:30pm: Affiliate Assembly The official business meeting for affiliates of TESOL International Association was led by Affiliate Leadership Council Past Chair Janet Pierce with Member A Ana Maria Rocca Affiliates were required to send a delegate. The assembly focused on the relationship between TESOL and the affiliates.