The Best of Affiliate sessions are chosen from submissions from TESOL affiliates. Affiliates are encouraged to submit sessions that showcase their members and the topics they are discussing.
BC TEAL ◗◗ Recording Oral Feedback on Writing Assignments Using Online Tools 26 March, 10 am–10:45 am; 201B PRESENTER: Nathan Hall
ETAI ◗◗ Does the Word “Synonym” Have a Synonym? 26 March, 3 pm–3:45 pm; 201B PRESENTER: Leo Selivan
KENTUCKY TESOL ◗◗ Knock Knock!: Using Jokes in the ESL/EFL Classroom 26 March, 4 pm–4:45 pm; 201B PRESENTERS: Mary Sue Sroda, Dilin Li, Joseph Stroup
MARYLAND TESOL ◗◗ From the Mouths of Students: Top Motivating Technology 27 March, 2 pm–2:45 pm; 201B PRESENTERS: Gilda Martinez-Alba, Doaa Rashed, Yeji Yoon
MICHIGAN TESOL ◗◗ Breaking the Ebbinghaus Curse: A Guaranteed Technique for Vocabulary Acquisition 27 March, 3 pm–3:45 pm; 201B PRESENTER: Patrick T. Randolph
ARGENTINA TESOL ◗◗ The Redundancy Effect in EFL Reading: When More Is Less 27 March 11 am–11:45 am; 201B PRESENTER: Susana Tuero
NYS TESOL ◗◗ Visual Thinking Strategies Using Artworks to Teach ELLs Discussion Skills 27 March 10 am–10:45 am; 201B PRESENTER: Ellen Pratt
TEXTESOL II◗◗ Ethnographic Language Learning Projects 27 March 2 pm–2:45 pm; 201B PRESENTER: Peter Sayer 2
These were FANTASTIC sessions!!! Well done! The insights for each session were indeed inspirational.
Thanks for your comment, Patrick.