ARTESOL Spelling Competition is a national spelling event for nonnative English speaking students under the age of 15 sponsored and organized by Argentina TESOL.
The competition took place on Saturdary, October 19, at Sala III Centro Cultural Borges, Viamonte 500, Buenos Aires.
45 students participated in the competition that resulted in the selection of four winners:
1st Place Winner: Participant 24, Florencia Agostina Ritacco, Colegio Sara Chamberlain de Eccleston, Ciudad de Buenos Aires
2nd Place Winner: participant 6, Andrés Aguirre, Colegio Integral Piacentini, Resistencia, Chaco.
3rd Place Winner: Participant 37, Francisco López Santoro, Colegio Sara Chamberlain de Eccleston, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
4th Place Winner:Participant 36, Alan Lifa, Instituto Euskal Echea, Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Total number of rounds: 16
Participating Schools:
1st Place winner: trophy, Advanced English Dictionary of American English with CD ROM, 5 Readers Classical Comics with audio CD, courtesy of National Geographic Learning Cengage Learning; an electronic Spanish-English dictionary, courtesy of the US Embassy in Argentina; and a Lenovo tablet, courtesy of Argentina TESOL.
2nd, 3rd & 4th winners: plaque, Advanced English Dictionary of American English with CD ROM, and 5 Readers Footprint with Multi-ROM, courtesy of National Geographic Learning Cengage Learning.
Winning participating schools: one ELT ADVANTAGE Course for a teacher from each winning school, courtesy of National Geographic Learning Cengage Learning.
Teachers awarded:
Pamela Kuringhian from Colegio Eccleston, ELT ADVANTAGE Course Pursuing Professional Development
Laura Blanco from Colegio Integral Dr. Piacentini, ELT ADVANTAGE Course Pursuing Professional Develpment
Aldana Murtagh from Colegio Eccleston, ELT ADVANTAGE Course Communicative Teaching for the ESL/EFL Classroom
Mónica Pepe from Instituto Euskal Echea
ARTESOL Spelling Bee at US Embassy News
Spelling Bee Team:
Judges: Deputy Cultural Affairs Officer, US Embassy, Mr. Mark Naylor & ARTESOL President: Ms. Graciela Martin
Emcee: ARTESOL Past President, Ms. Mabel Gallo
Pronouncer: ARTESOL Board Member: Ms. Nila Clemente
Score Keepers: ARTESOL Vice President: Ms. Ana María Rocca
ARTESOL Secretary: Ms. Vivian Morghen
Time Keeper: ARTESOL Board Member: Ms. Analía Mariniello
Spelling Bee Collaborators:
Collaborators: Elena Diez, retiree ARTESOL board member, and Clara Brunetto, 2009 Franklin Global Spell Event Winner
Usher: ARTESOL Board Member: Mr. Ricardo Ramirez
Parents’ registration: ARTESOL Board Member: Ms. Graciela Encina
Call for Participation: If your school is interested in participating in the next ARTESOL Spelling Competition on October 25, 2014 please contact us at
For further information on school / student eligibility, and contest rules, please check the 2014 Contest Rules.
The challenge of Spelling English